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Total 389 results

In the Enterprise package, Can i get benefit for Free 3 Month Professional Hosting Packages - 99$, So what happens after 3 months?

Yes, if you buy the enterprise package, you can use our hosting package for free for 3 months. After 3 months, you can keep our hosting at a price of 35USD/month or you can use your own hosting. 
By vincent

I will go with the Enterprise package for 6 months. Can i downgrade the start up package after 6 months?

We offer different packages at a different price to perfectly fit small businesses like startups to medium businesses and large enterprises, we would like to give customers flexible choices.You...
By vincent

Can you tell me the difference between the 4 packages in term of functions and services?

- Difference in terms of functions : Start-Up and Premium options will NOT have 3 below functions:+ Product builder ( design by components ) :...
By vincent

Can you explain to me the pricing structure of the 4 packages?

 Startup Package: 179 USD – down payment and included 6 months of support. After 6 months you will need to pay 39 USD to extend support and update for another 6 months ( ~ 6 dollars/1...
By vincent

I am located in Germany, can i translate this plugin into German?

Yes, you can translate the plugin into your favorite language. Our plugin supports all types of language.Note: refer the LOCO plugin for translation.
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

Can we setup the price of the product base on the sale quantity? eg: for 1 qty - $19, for 10 qty - $12?

Yes, you can set up price with quantity break.You can refer Here for example
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

Can i add new code to get new function for this plugin for my busisness fit?

Yes, we built and developed this plugin based on open source code, you can easily and flexibly customize the plugin as per your demand.
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

What is the difference between the Start up and Prenium package at $179.69?

Basically, they share the same functions. The difference is the service go with Premium package, it is much more than startup package. Please see details at pricing page. They share the same first...
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

Can we create design areas with other shapes, e.g. circles, triangles, etc?

Currently the default area is square or rectangle. You can combine with overlay image to create other shapes.
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

Can I share the design via social channels? If yes, which channels are available for my sharing?

Yes, you can share your design via social channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Google
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

Is NBdesigner responsive?

Yes, it is 100% Responsive & Mobile Friendly
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

How can i upload images from Adobe Illustrator or, PSD file for design?

NB designer allows you to input the files with the below format: .jpg, .png, .svg. And you can download files to .jpg, png, .svg, or export to .pdf file. So if you want to upload images from Adobe...
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

As i can see, there is a feature of design launcher available on DEVELOPER & ENTERPRISE package, what can i do with this feature?

 The design Lancher is getting a trend on online printing. It allows you to register to become a designer who can create and sell designs.
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

How can i create a template?

- In product detail, after check "Use templates" option and "Update" to save product, please see hereYou can easily create a template with this guidance:- In NBDesigner Product tab, see Here -...
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

What are the differences between LITE version vs PREMIUM version?

- Design products quantity: LITE - Only 5 vs PREMIUM - Unlimited- Download files supported: LITE - PDF, SVG, JPG not supported vs PREMIUM - PDF, SVG, JPG supported- Version update : LITE -...
Sam Helen
By Sam Helen

Recently, we discovered how client loving working with us by their 5 star recommedation

Good Firm
