Customize Color Of The Entire Website By Cmsmart Magento 2 Marketplace Multistore Soluiton

The Colour system is chosen for websites not being easy for designers and companies. When the website is decorated with pleasant colors, your website might make a strong impression on customers and it could form a well-known company's brand. If you were wondering about customizing the color of the website to become lovely as well as eye-catching with a great color scheme, please follow these simple guides step by step. With our Marketplace 2 Multi-store solutions, you would create the color of your website easily.

Within the first part of this article, we want to suggest you some steps to change the color of the entire website.

Why is color important in website design?

Color is one of the key factors that affect your website's success and choose the right color for the website design is not easy for developers. This request you can research enough deeply about the marketplace. product customers UX UI brand ... to match with the business mission. Moreover, Colors can be your most powerful tool to gain a reaction from your targeted audience. You can use colors to stir your visitor's emotions or respond to a call-to-action on your website. Color helps us to process and store images more efficiently than colorless (black and white) images, this can help increase brand recognition and help prompt visitors to your sight to take action. Judgment can be subconsciously based on color schemes so your palette must not contradict your brand's philosophy.

How to pick color harmonies?

Firstly, understand what each color stands for?

You need to make sure that the color should be related to the product or service you are highlighting. 

  • ·        Red is powerful and attractive
  • ·        Orange is usually applied to websites that sell food products
  • ·        Yellow signifies happiness and creativity
  • ·        Green is pleasing to the human eye
  • ·        Blue is a conventional color with incredibly high trust value
  • ·        Black is beneficial for websites relating to photography and art.
  • ·        Purple is usually used on religious websites and vacation sites.

Secondly. how to select the right color for your website? 

It will depend on the following factors: 

  • Branding
  • Your audience
  • Trend
  • Emotional
  • Balance

Change the mode in Magento Multi Store Theme

Before starting the configuration, you need to change the mode in Magento with some Small step below that:

Step 1: Open the command execution window

Step 2: Access to root folder setup website

Step 3: run 2 the commands

Command 1: php bin/magento deploy:mode:set developer

This is CLI command for developer mode.

Command 2: php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f

This command deploy files in any mode. f stands by word "force" (by default, the static content deployment tool can be run only in production mode. Use this option to run it in default or developer mode).

Tutorial of customizing for the entire website

Step 1: Login to the admin panel

Step 2: Click module NETBASE -> Netbase theme -> click General Setting

Step 3: Click menu color. Then, select any theme you want to load data on the form in “current theme data”

Step 4: Next, you can customize the main color, hover color, text color, link color

Step 5: Select any theme you want to save data configuration and SUBMIT

Step 6: Do not forget Flush cache after each configuration.

Go to module SYSTEM -> tool “cache Management” -> you can see small square ->mass action: select all -> click button “Flush Magento cache”

Step final: Overview on Front-end

We hope you find a guide helpful. Now you can easily customize the color for the entire website. If you want to have more experience our products, please access the Magento Multi Vendor Marketplace Package. If you want more detail, please follow this simple video guide step by step.

How to Customize color of the entire website built by Magento marketplace theme from Cmsmart Netbase on Vimeo.

Contacts with us if you have any questions. We are quite willing to help you when required.

That above article is the "customize the color of the entire website by Cmsmart Magento 2 Marketplace" tutorial. I hope this article has brought you much useful information. You can try this product at Magento demos. If you need any help figuring please feel free to contact Our Support team and we will be happy to help. If you have any questions about the product, please contact We are willing to answer your questions. Remembering to use coupon code MAR_DL to get 18% discount for this item.

Many thanks and best regards!