Since the latest version of Magento - Magento 2, was released, the e-commerce platform market has become even more bustling than before because this version comes with actually awesome features as well as desirable improvements in comparison to the previous versions. By choosing Magento 2 for web development, merchants will be offered those things mentioned in this article.

The Magento admin with totally new user experience (UX)

With Magento users who expect a better interface to interact with, Magento 2 is exactly what they are looking for. It brings the administrators a convenient and awesome user experience. In detail, administrators will be expected to work with the touch-friendly platform and their interface of admin panel will be optimized even for both mobile and tablets. It will come with some outstanding features such as drag and drop reordering, custom views, flexible data grids, custom views or configurable columns, so the task of controlling in admin panel will become easier than ever.

Faster Checkout Process

We affirm that the checkout process on your site will be improved because with updated Magento 2, guest checkout is optimized and recognition of registered users will be done automatically based on email. That each small step is improved will reduce significantly the time customers spend for checkout, it also means that the checkout process is faster.

Improving Product Import/Export

Web developer tried to add more features that will improve the way the products are exported/imported in this latest versions of Magento. It is just like merchants have powerful tools in process of adding products to their store.

Improving Performance & Scalability

With a lot of improvements such as varnish 4, HHVM compatibility, static content caching in the browser, better image compression and reduced JS code, Magento 2 is known as the enormous step forward for both client and server side performance improvements. More than that, if you compare Magento 2 to the previous version, you will recognize that it provides the improvements in enterprise applications thanks to a standalone database for OMS, MySQL cluster compatibility, catalog database separation, and entire sub-systems separation and scalability.

Backend Scalability

If you choose to develop your e-commerce website with Magento 2, you can enjoy better backend scalability, we mean no matter who you are, developers or retailers. Users will be able to perform better order management and product management with deferred and immediate product updates.

New Magento Connect

If you are Magento developers or Magento users, you may not be strange with Magento Connect. It is the Magento extension marketplace, where benefits Magento lovers by allowing to download and sell extensions. You also can buy or sell Magento 2 extensions easily through the Magento Connect on category Magento 2. Automated scans would be performed for code safety and plagiarism checks for the extensions here.

Attribute Swatches

If in the previous version, only image swatches are available, in Magento 2, swatches for both text and color swatches would also be provided.

Easy Module Availability

On Magento Connect, there are over two hundreds of the top both free and paid modules are available for users with this Magento 2 version. So, Magento development process would become more simple and easier for the developers while retailers could make any changes to their retail store with the help of these readily available modules.