Payment Gateway Integration is the final step toward accepting payments online on your website. This step is crucial and could be tricky as it's the part of development team who need to work out on different API calls.

 CCAvenue Advantages

   1. Easy to implement.

   2. Minimizes your costs and risks.

   3. Optimum transaction time.

   4. Verified By Visa & Master Card Secure Code enabled gateway.

   5. Facilitates efficient customer service.

   6. Visa and MasterCard Debit Cards issued by Indian banks

   7. Credit Cards

   8. 6 ATM cum Debit Cards from prominent Indian banks

   9. 44 Net Banking Options

  10. Mobile Payment – PayMate and SBI FreedoM

  11. Cash Cards -ITZ cash, NoQ24x7 Card, Done Card and Oxicash

  12. IVR Payment Solutions 'Phonepay'

  13. Verified By Visa and MasterCard Secure Code Security Protocols

  14. 24 X 7 Server-based Payment Processing Service for Global eMerchants also processes

  15. Online Payment Processing, Fraud Control, Financial Reporting and Tracking – all integrated into one Solution

CCAvenue Payment Gateway supports mostly all the frameworks available like HTML, PHP, ASP, ASP .Net, VB .Net, JAVA, Ruby on Rails, Perl, Python. CCAvenue avails you the readymade kits for mentioned frameworks and renowned shopping carts to make the integration easy.


1. Do not resell the software and use it on licensed domain(s) only.

2. The add-on installation may take 1-2 business days after the purchase.

Please read it before purchase the add-ons

  1. Our licensed add-ons will work with the IonCube encoder service which is pre-installed on most of web servers. Please ensure you have the latest version of IonCube on your web server.
  2. If you have multiple stores under different naming domains but one backend the store does not allow to install addons only for single store so you need to purchase a licence for each store if you fail to do so the addon will show the errors.
  3. You need to share your store URL, server PHP and IonCube version after purchased made.

Demo Cart details:

Front end :
Admin url:
User Name: [email protected]
Password: demo1234

This is a PrestaShop item
Product rating: 5 star rating 5/5 based on 1 rating(s)

2015, May 25

PrestaShop 1.3.x, PrestaShop 1.4.8, PrestaShop 1.4.9, PrestaShop 1.4.x, PrestaShop 1.5.0, PrestaShop 1.5.1, PrestaShop 1.5.2, PrestaShop 1.5.3, PrestaShop 1.5.4, PrestaShop 1.5.5, PrestaShop 1.5.6, PrestaShop 1.5.x, PrestaShop 1.6.0.x


$49.00 GPL License

You can use the product for your own website or your clients website if you are developer. You are allowed to use this extension on Unlimited website while our private support is base on domain.

  • Private support for each 12 months
  • Unlimited tickets support
  • Download & upgrade new version

You can use the product for a lifetime without purchasing it again or pay for renewal payment. You should repurchase this product when your package expired but you want to get our support or update to the latest version

Support Domain License Under a 1 support domain license for the item you are granted a non-exclusive non-transferable permission to use the item on a single site.

If you plan to use the product on other domains, you SHOULD buy now to SAVE much better than buying separated order.
$ 49.00
You will be rewarded 24 Points ($2.4)

Why choose Cmsmart?

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Leading in quality and performances

We are proud ourselves to release our quality products to the e-commerce world.

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Full solutions for niches industry

We provide many powerful completed Printshop, Multistore marketplace, etc solutions for industry

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Excellent support and consultancy

We have a dedicated support team that delivery the excellent support

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Private customization for your project

If you don't like our product as it is, you can custom it as you want

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Long-term partnership care

We also want to have a long-term partnership with customer to support and take care


See our changelog below to update your site better

Compatible with: PrestaShop 1.3.x, PrestaShop 1.4.8, PrestaShop 1.4.9, PrestaShop 1.4.x, PrestaShop 1.5.0, PrestaShop 1.5.1, PrestaShop 1.5.2, PrestaShop 1.5.3, PrestaShop 1.5.4, PrestaShop 1.5.5, PrestaShop 1.5.6, PrestaShop 1.5.x, PrestaShop 1.6.0.x

Version 1.0.0 Updated: 2015, May 25

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Ms.Janet Tran

Skype: janet.tran.92

WhatsApp: +84 965 799 488

Email: [email protected]

Mr. Vincent Ray

Skype: live:vincent_4281

WhatsApp: +84 978 847 058

Email: [email protected]


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