Top Animals & Pets website template 2022

Choosing a good and suitable Animals & Pets website template is not easy at all. You have to do a lot of searches and go through dozens of templates before you could find the one that’s right for use. Even if you find an eye-catching template, it is also difficult to determine if it is good enough to use for your store or not. We have a huge collection of the best Animals & Pets website templ website templates, so you can find the perfect one for your store in no time.


Vanessa Acook

Vanessa Acook

A great products industry splashy. Thank the developers.

January 18, 2016

Gamal Goodwin

Gamal Goodwin

Thank you very much to Selena! And to the whole team. I am a new customer and I feel accepted like family already. I highly recommend this service.

April 23, 2021

Rachel Hurley

Rachel Hurley

it seems to display and work very well when I check Demo. Well done!

January 24, 2015

Jason Williams

Jason Williams

glad to see this nice template appears on Cmsmart marketplace. Congrats and good luck with sales!

January 24, 2015

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Votre animalerie en ligne pour chiens, chats, rongeurs, furets, oiseaux, poissons et reptiles. Vente de croquettes, accessoires et jouets pour animaux.


Petfleas was established in 2005 and was one of the first websites specialising in pet flea products and other general animal health products. We endeavour to source the best new products available and offer any specific advice or information requested. We believe our veterinary background and experience are key factors in giving our customers confidence in the products we choose to recommend. As a mark of our commitment to quality, our staff are AMTRA (Animal Medicines Training and Regulatory Authority) qualified.

Skandinaviens största nätbutik med foder och tillbehör till husdjur. Vi erbjuder marknadens absolut lägsta priser och leverar varorna direkt hem till dig. Petworld finns idag i fyra nordiska länder: Danmark, Norge, Sverige och Finland.

Seapets Limited

Seapets Pet Supplies are a leading online pet store selling pet, pond and aquarium supplies. Pet products include beds, cages, treats, cat and dog food and many other pet accessories.


La société Easypets propose un site web de vente de produits pour animaux de compagnies ainsi que pour les chevaux et les cavaliers. Easypets c'est aussi une boutique située à Magny en Vexin dans le Val d'Oise au coeur du parc naturel du Vexin. Vous pouvez retrouver les produits vendus en ligne au même tarifs que sur internet avec l'accueil en plus. Les horaires d'ouverture sont Lundi au vendredi 9h30 à 13h et 14h à 18h samedi 10h à 12h30 et 14h à 18h30 dimanche ferné

Vetostore est l'animalerie en ligne qui vous propose la qualité des plus grandes marques de nourriture et de parapharmacie au meilleur prix.


Petmeds wurde im Jahr 2006 von Tierfreunden für Tierfreunde ins Leben gerufen und liefert seitdem zahlreiche Produkte für die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden von Haustieren zu supergünstigen Preisen. Hier gibt es Spezialfutter, Medikamente und Zubehör für Hunde, Katzen, Nager und auch Pferde.

Topline Heavins & Euronics

Heavins Hardware Centre is a family run business based in Athlone, Co.Westmeath. The story begins back in January 1984 when Willie and Maureen Heavin started a small Hardware Store at the McCormack Centre in Athlone. Then in the early 90s they moved 300 metres away to a 5000 sq ft premises employing over 10 people (a lot of whom were family members). Fast forward to the 19th May 2007 when we opened our doors to a 17,000 sq ft superstore in Shannon Retail Park beside Smyths Toys and currently employing over 20 people guided by Paul, Derek and Paulette. We are very customer focused and offer the personal experience compared to the big chains and we pride ourselves on customer service and range of products and services.

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