Top Education & Training website template 2022

Choosing a good and suitable Education & Training website template is not easy at all. You have to do a lot of searches and go through dozens of templates before you could find the one that’s right for use. Even if you find an eye-catching template, it is also difficult to determine if it is good enough to use for your store or not. We have a huge collection of the best Education & Training website templ website templates, so you can find the perfect one for your store in no time.




I bought his as the default VM one didnt do what i needed. When installed, which was very easy, I wanted to make a few changes which the guys at cmsmart did for me quickly and free of charge. Would recommend them and the extension to anyone

August 15, 2013

Nicola Ciraulo

Nicola Ciraulo

This component has greatly improved the usability of the purchasing process and will increase conversions. The component is perfectly customizable. The layout of the checkout page can be changed through the graphical interface without the need for programming. You can change the layout, shape and graphics of each block. Last but not least the support is really great: very kind, helpful and professionally prepared.

August 06, 2021

Daniel Kristensson

Daniel Kristensson

Fast and informative

September 20, 2018

Marion C. McPherson

Marion C. McPherson

This plugin does more than expected. It is professional quality plugin. Two thumbs up!

June 09, 2015

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Acti-ROUTE a pour mission lorganisation de stages de sensibilisation à la sécurité routière dans toute la France. Les stages permettent de récupérer des points sur votre permis de conduire.


Studi est le n°1 de la formation en ligne diplômante.  Plus de 200 formations 100 % en ligne, diplômantes et certifiantes reconnues par l'État, éligibles au CPF, Pôle Emploi ou en alternance. Découvrez nos formations en ligne du CAP au BAC+5 dans plus de 15 filières professionnelles. Vivez lexpérience Studi, apprenez de façon ludique et interactive : Cours vidéo LIVE et on demand : formez-vous partout et à tout moment avec lapplication web et mobile. Définissez votre agenda de travail selon votre rythme de formation et de votre disponibilité. Suivez les conseils de nos coach et formateurs tout au long de votre parcours. Participez à une communauté apprenante : 40 000 apprenants en cours de formation. STUDI vous accompagne depuis plus de 20 ans dans toutes vos réinventions professionnelles. Progressez. Changez. Évoluez. Nous avons les clés de votre réussite. Suivez nos actualités sur nos réseaux sociaux.


Mycfactory propose des modèles de CV à télécharger et des CV sur mesure, afin d'aider les candidats à se démarquer. Service efficace, rapide et à l'écoute.

Accademia Italiana Fitness

Accademia Italiana Fitness offre a professionisti, istruttori, personal trainer e gestori di centri fitness, formazione tecnica completa per mezzo di corsi didattici regolarmente sostenuti da professionisti del settore e riconosciuti ufficialmente. Gli attestati rilasciati al termine di ogni corso, qualificano i partecipanti, favorendone il collocamento in ambito lavorativo. La durata e la qualità dei percorsi formativi, porta al rilascio del diploma Europeo EuropeActive e dei diplomi MSP e ASI riconosciute dal CONI e aderenti allo SNAQ della Scuola dello Sport del CONI. I diplomi rilasciati alla fine del corso hanno validità Nazionale ed Europea. Le lezioni didattiche vengono condotte da medici, fisioterapisti, nutrizionisti e tecnici qualificati che, con le loro competenze e la loro esperienza, agevoleranno e faciliteranno le fasi di comprensione, apprendimento e superamento dei corsi affrontati.

Igea Centro Promozione Salute

La Piattaforma n°1 in Italia per Corsi Online IGEA Centro Promozione Salute ha esperienza decennale e si occupa di promuovere la salute della persona nei suoi contesti di vita, attraverso la formazione di professionisti della salute, interventi di informazione e crescita personale rivolti alla cittadinanza. I nostri Corsi e Master sono strutturati per creare importanti occcasioni di conoscenza teorica e contatto esperenziale con il mondo professionale attraverso stage, tirocini esperenziali che contribuiscono ad arricchire la nostra proposta formativa. Alcuni Corsi e Master più venduti: CORSO ONLINE IN ASSISTENTE INFANZIA MASTER ONLINE IN TUTOR DSA CORSO BASE E AVANZATO DI LIS - LINGUA DEI SEGNI ITALIANA MASTER ONLINE IN EDUCATORE PERINATALE  


Theres no point overcomplicating things. At CourseFinder, we help you find the course thats right for you! We specialise in bringing together online and distance education courses from the biggest and best Australian universities, TAFEs and private colleges, so whether youre just starting out, looking for a change of direction or building on your existing skills, CourseFinder is here to help.

Essential Nails

Essential Nails are UK's leading Nail Technician Educators, teaching you Acrylic Nails, Gel Nails, Nail Art and UV Gel Polish, as well as offering Professional Salon Products like Gelaze® UV Gel Polish and the highly acclaimed Nail Trainer® to salons and colleges all over the world.

TICKEN Typecursus

TICKEN leert jong en oud blind typen op de meest effectieve en prettige manier: interactief en online en waar je maar wilt. De TICKEN typecursus heeft een zeer hoge waardering en daar zijn we heel erg trots op.

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