Recently, we discovered how client loving working with us by their 5 star recommedation

We divide it into 4 packages, details as below:
+ Printshop Package (799$): Suitable for any Print Agency or Print on Demand Startup. It includes Powerful Website Layouts + Order upload+ Online Designer management feature+ Online Designer Printing Pricing option + Website sales & marketing feature. The price is 799$ and you ll get 6 month of a support period . After 6 months, you need to pay $149 to update to the latest version (~$24/month)
+ Printshop Premium Package (1249$):Suitable for Most Web2Print Project that needs Powerfull Sales & Marketing & Online Designer Features. It includes all features of printshop package + Extra features like this http://prntscr.com/1az3qh8 + Designer Marketplace. The recurring fee is $249 every 6 months (~$42/month)
+ Printshop Marketplace Package (2499$): Suitable for any Printing Business that needs Designer Marketplace, Advance Multiple Vendor Features and Constant Support. It has all features of Printshop Premium Package + Multiple vendor-Store manager/seller features + Multiple vendor-admin features. The recurring fee takes $249 every month
+ Printshop Enterprise Package (4499$): Suitable for Print Corporation with High Volumns Sales Order, B2C & B2B development and need Personalized Support Monthly. It includes all features of Printshop Marketplace Package + Multiple vendor- advance features with enterprise sales & Operation. The recurring fee is $499 every month.
We offer different packages at a different price to perfectly fit small businesses like startups to medium businesses and large enterprises, we would like to give customers flexible choices.