To configuration theme, you work follow the steps:
Login to admin panel
Move to Netbase menu -> Click on Setting panel
1.1. Header
The Header is divided into 3 parts: The Top Header, The Middle Header and The Bottom Header.
Notes: To setting header type, you have to read 3 parts of header carefully: Elements of header.
Elements of header
Select Header type
There are 10 the type of header to customize setting.
Elements of the Top Header
Show Top Header: allow showing the top header or not. The Top Header is divided into 3 parts: Header Top Left (the left of top header), Header Top Center (the center of top header) and Header Top Right (the right of top header).
Select Layout Type Search: select the search type you want. There are 3 type to select.
Select Layout Type Cart: select the cart type you want. There are 2 type to select.
Select Layout Type User: select the user type you want. There are 2 type to select.
The Header Top Left
Column Layout Header Top Left: select number of columns to display elements in Header Top Left or select “Do Not Show” if you don’t want to display any elements in Header Top Left.
Select Elements in Header Top Left: select any elements you want in Header Top Left.
The Header Top Center
Column Layout Header Top Center: select number of columns to display elements in Header Top Center or select “Do Not Show” if you don’t want to display any elements in Header Top Center.
Select Elements in Header Top Center: select any elements you want in Header Top Center.
The Header Top Right
Column Layout Header Top Right: select number of columns to display elements in Header Top Right or select “Do Not Show” if you don’t want to display any elements in Header Top Right.
Select Elements in Header Top Right: select any elements you want in Header Top Right.
Note: In part “Select Element”, you can select a custom Static block and you have to fill the custom static block. Example: you can see image below:
ID Static Block: fill in identifier of custom static block that you want to display in the top header. To get identifier, you go to Content -> Blocks -> copy identifier of custom block you want.
Element of the Middle Header
Show Header Middle: allow showing the middle header or not. The Middle Header is divided into 3 parts: Header Middle Left (the left of middle header), Header Middle Center (the center of middle header) and Header Middle Right (the right of middle header).
Column Layout Header Middle Left: select number of columns to display elements in Header Middle Left or select “Do Not Show” if you don’t want to display any elements in Header Middle Left.
Select Elements in Header Middle Left: select any elements you want in Header Middle Left.
Column Layout Header Middle Center: select number of columns to display elements in Header Middle Center or select “Do Not Show” if you don’t want to display any elements in Header Middle Center.
Select Elements in Header Middle Center: select any elements you want in Header Middle Center.
Column Layout Header Middle Right: select number of columns to display elements in Header Middle Right or select “Do Not Show” if you don’t want to display any elements in Header Middle Right.
Select Elements in Header Middle Right: select any elements you want in Header Middle Right.
Note: In part “Select Element”, you can select a custom static block and you have to fill the custom static block. Example: you can see image below:
ID Static Block: fill in identifier of custom static block that you want to display in the middle header. To get identifier, you go to Content -> Blocks -> copy identifier of custom block you want.
Element of the Bottom Header
Show Header Bottom: allow showing the bottom header or not. The Bottom Header is divided into 3 parts: Header Bottom Left (the left of bottom header), Header Bottom Center (the center of bottom header) and Header Bottom Right (the right of bottom header).
Column Layout Header Bottom Left: select number of columns to display elements in Header Bottom Left or select “Do Not Show” if you don’t want to display any elements in Header Bottom Left.
Select Elements in Header Bottom Left: select any elements you want in Header Bottom Left.
Column Layout Header Bottom Center: select number of columns to display elements in Header Bottom Center or select “Do Not Show” if you don’t want to display any elements in Header Bottom Center.
Select Elements in Header Bottom Center: select any elements you want in Header Bottom Center.
Column Layout Header Bottom Right: select number of columns to display elements in Header Bottom Right or select “Do Not Show” if you don’t want to display any elements in Header Bottom Right.
Select Elements in Header Bottom Right: select any elements you want in Header Bottom Right.
Note: In part “Select Element”, you can select a custom static block and you have to fill the custom static block. Example: you can see image below:
ID Static Block: fill in identifier of custom static block that you want to display in the bottom header. To get identifier, you go to Content -> Blocks -> copy identifier of custom block you want.
1. Remembering to flush cache after importing any header types.
2. Don’t forget save data after each change.
1.2 Footer
The Footer is divided into 5 parts: The Footer Service, The Top Footer, The Middle Footer, The Bottom Footer and The Bottom Footer Payment.
Footer Service
Show Footer Top: allow showing the top footer or not.
The top footer divided into 4 columns. You can allow show each column or not. At the same time, you can configure column size for each column.
Show Footer Top: allow showing the top footer or not.
The top footer divided into 4 columns. You can allow show each column or not. At the same time, you can configure column size for each column.
Middle Footer Setting
Show Footer Middle: allow showing the middle footer or not.
The middle footer divided into 4 columns. You can allow show each column or not. At the same time, you can configure column size for each column.
Note: In “Column 1”, if you show it, you can configure column size and the footer middle logo.
Bottom Footer Setting
Show Footer Bottom: allow showing the bottom footer or not.
The bottom footer divided into 4 columns. You can allow show each column or not. At the same time, you can configure column size for each column
Footer Bottom Payment
Show Footer Bottom Payment: allow showing the bottom payment footer or not.
Column Payment: select a custom block and fill static block ID.
Notes: Remembering Save Config after each change. And Flush cache after each configuration.
1.3. Home Product Tabs
In Home Product Tabs, you can change product which is displayed on Home pages, such as: Bestseller Product, Deal Product, New Product, Feature Product.
Title: Enter the title you want to display on Home page.
Select Category: Select category(s) you want to show products.
Banner Left: Import image you want to use banner left.
To configuration theme, you work follow the steps:
Login to admin panel
Move to Netbase menu -> Click on Setting panel
1.1. Header
The Header is divided into 3 parts: The Top Header, The Middle Header and The Bottom Header.
Notes: To setting header type, you have to read 3 parts of header carefully: Elements of header.
Select Header type
There are 10 the type of header to customize setting.
Note: In part “Select Element”, you can select a custom Static block and you have to fill the custom static block. Example: you can see image below:
Note: In part “Select Element”, you can select a custom static block and you have to fill the custom static block. Example: you can see image below:
Note: In part “Select Element”, you can select a custom static block and you have to fill the custom static block. Example: you can see image below:
1. Remembering to flush cache after importing any header types.
2. Don’t forget save data after each change.
1.2 Footer
The Footer is divided into 5 parts: The Footer Service, The Top Footer, The Middle Footer, The Bottom Footer and The Bottom Footer Payment.
Footer Service
Middle Footer Setting
Note: In “Column 1”, if you show it, you can configure column size and the footer middle logo.
Bottom Footer Setting
Footer Bottom Payment
Notes: Remembering Save Config after each change. And Flush cache after each configuration.
1.3. Home Product Tabs
In Home Product Tabs, you can change product which is displayed on Home pages, such as: Bestseller Product, Deal Product, New Product, Feature Product.
Note: Don’t forget save data after each change.
Overview on Front end