Maintenance Package
We provide a maintenance service that saves much time & money and allows
avoiding problems.

Included: Installation instruction, bugs fixing, User's guide

Back up
We will back up your database once a day, your source code every 15 days and data recovery.

Your website is constantly monitored for availability and security

Your item will be updated to the latest version

Website Restore
Do not worry if your site is hacked, we will recovery it in the fastest way
Hosting Package
Choose the trusted hosting partner is the most important thing to start your site. With each
type of Host Providers, we recommend the best package which is
suitable for your site and our items
Optimizing Package
You cannot give the complete shopping experience to your beloved customers with the
slow site, optimize your site to enhance customers experience is the best choice

Images Optimization
Optimizing images can often yield some of the largest byte savings and performance improvements for your website, scaled images and reduce image resolution

Browser caching (htaccess Files)
Help your customers log in to your site quickly without wasting precious time

Plugin Optimization
Our team will integrate some popular plugins which optimizing your site

Minify Resources (HTML, CSS, and JavaScript)
Reduce the size of your website by optimizing HTML, CSS and JavaScript files

Data base Optimization
Remove unnecessary database of your site to make it run smoothly
Customizing Package
If you want to install the 3rd party plugin to your site without conflict, or bug fixing,
leave your message to us and we will give you the best advice with the reasonable fee.