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You are the store/ vendor manager and you want to get everything in the easiest way to know how your business works well or not right from front-end. WooPanel is the right plugin that you must to integrate in your site. Your articles, products, order

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WordPress WooPanel FrontEnd Manager Plugin

WooPanel – The Easiest WooCommerce Frontend Manager

You are the WooCommerce store/ vendor manager and you want to manage your Store Products, Customers right from Website Frontend without log-in to WP Admin?

You are using the Dokan Multiple Vendor for your Marketplace and You want to Re-Structure the Access Right for different Store Managers, to Improve the Sales Performance and Customer Management, then you need to use WooPanel.

WooPanel is developed to solve the GAP of Connect between WooCommerce, Dokan Multiple Vendor, WordPress MultiStore, CRM…so on. You can assign the management of articles, products, orders, coupons, customers to each vendor/store manager from frontend. Moreover, the clean and neat Management Interface will bring you a general look with optimized UX/UI to maximize the performance.

We will release a coming soon version which compatible with WooCommerce Bookings, WooCommerce Appointments, WooCommerce Rental & Bookings System, WooCommerce Subscriptions, Advanced Custom Fields(ACF), WP Job Manager, BuddyPress and many more plugins in the soonest time.

Now click DOWNLOAD button to try our FREE version, you will be surprised with our WooPanel plugin – The easiest WooCommerce Frontend Manager


Introduction for WooPanel – FrontEnd Manager for Store Manager and Vendor from Cmsmart Netbase


  • The Dashboard is 100% responsive so it can be viewed on iPhone, iPad, laptop, desktop and multiple devices anytime anywhere to quickly shows shop informations such as orders, products, customer lists and so on. Vendor/store managers can manage all their store information more easily and quicky then ever.
  • Can be used with any WordPress themes or WooCommerce themes. WooPanel icludes styling option which will help you to make WooPanel dashboard more look-alike your site appearance.
  • You can Access the Dashboard with a customized menu frontend
  • The Dashboard layout can be Full-Screen or Fit into the Shop layout
  • Easy to manage and manipulate the separate interface
  • Get a quick statistic of figures on total income, orders, products, users and so on
  • Nested Menu and Full Navigation Menu
  • A detailed report on revenue, orders by day, month, year …
  • Display customer lists, products, orders according to criteria: newest, most bought, best selling and more

WooPanel is integrated with WooCommerce seamlessly and can be used without the need of Dokan or not…

Main Features

1. WooCommerce Frontend Quickview Dashboard Panel

An intuitive overview dashboard quickly highlights your shop information such as orders, products, customers lists and so on. Vendor/store managers can manage all their store information more easily and quicky then ever.

  • My Profile bar: manage all account information such as avatar, name, email, website, password change
  • Total revenue: show total revenue from the starting time of your business up to now
  • All products: You can see how many public products are available on your site and control it easily
  • Total order: The number of orders will be shown on the “Total orders”. You can see how many orders you have got so far and make plans for them.
  • Total users: If you want to know exactly how many users who registered on your site, see the “Total users” part
  • Orders overview chart: Display sales volume of products with status or time such as day, week, month or year in a completed visualization format
  • Sales overview chart: Display the sales amount with status and detailed time. You’ll have a general overview about your business operations
  • Best Products: You can see the top best-selling products then you can make plan for sales promotion or product focus strategy in the near future
  • Recent Reviews: You can see recent activities of your customers on your site via their review and you can direct your support team members.
  • Best Customers: Show details of name, email and the total revenue of customers who have best sales performance on your site
  • New Customers: Show details of name, email and the amount of revenue of new customer on your site
  • Recent Orders: Show information of recent orders with customer name, invoice number, amount and status

2. Submit and Fully Manager WooCommerce Product Frontend

This is the core feature of WooPanel and can be used completely outside of WooCommerce Admin.

  • Frontend Price Matrix for WooCommerce (new)
  • Frontend Color Swatches for WooCommerce (new)
  • Frontend Product FAQs for WooCommerce, View and Manage FAQs with Support shortcode (new)
  • Quick Edit Product feature (new)
  • Manage Frequently Bought Together products
  • Vendor / Store Manager can submit new product 100% Frontend without log-in to WP Admin (hot)
  • Submit Frontend any type of product Simple, Grouped, External/Affiliate, Variable Product (hot)
  • Add Product Short Infor and Full Product Description with fully WYSIWYG Visue Editor or Text
  • Add Edit Delete Product Price, Sales Price, UpSell, Cross Sell
  • Frontend Add Product Featured Image
  • Frontend Upload product Image Gallery easily
  • Frontend Add Product Category, Attributes, and Tag manage
  • Frontend Product Stock, SKU, Sold Individual manage
  • Frontend Product Attribute management
  • Manage Weight, Dimensions, Shipping
  • Frontend Product Advanced options
  • Frontend Product Review Management ( Add, edit, delete…)

3. Product

  • View and Manage Orders with buyer’s information
  • View / Edit full Order Invoice Details with Billing and Shipping Information
  • Easily update Order Status
  • Add Private Order Notes
  • Advanced filter with Date and Status fields
  • Simplify Bulk Order Processing

4. Frontend CRM for WooCommerce features

  • Live chat between Vendors and Buyers (new)
  • Create and manage coupons easily and quickly. You can see all coupons are arranged in the smartest way
  • For each registered customer, the admin seller will save it as an account to manage
  • Manage Buyer’s email, name, username, orders, totally spent, last order

5. Dokan and Marketplace Features

  • Seamlessly integrated with Dokan multiple vendors (coming soon)
  • Nearby Store Locations
  • Add, edit Store Information (logos, store address, store information…)

6. WordPress Articles / Post Frontend Management

Intuitively display and easily use with the new interface of displaying all articles created by Shop Managers or Vendors.

  • WooPanel only shows the vendor’s own created articles. You can easily transform your Marketplace into a Community with articles of products contributed by each vendor
  • Add New and Edit, Delete Article/ Post as easy as in WP Admin
  • Advanced filter to Search and manage post
  • Intuitively display and easily use with the new interface
  • Easily view articles with available status
  • Add edit post’s tags, category, excerpt, and full description
  • Edit SEO URL and publishing status
  • Add and edit Articles Feature Images
  • Manage Articles’ comments Frontend
  • You don’t have to install any other WP Frontend Post plugin, this is the core feature of Woopanel

7. Setting

  • Easy to set information of store such as name, logo, footer, and so on

8. WooCommerce PDF Invoice Pro

  • Automatically attach Invoice PDF to WooCommerce emails: After the customers have set up their email addresses associated with the sales page, every time they complete an order, there will be a pdf Invoice automatically sent to the email they registered.
  • Download the PDF Invoice/Delivery from the order admin page: After creating an order, you can easily download the PDF Invoice/Delivery PDF right from the order page
  • Generate PDF Invoices/packing slips in bulk: With the new prototyping feature, you can freely create multiple Invoice designs, so there are countless options for you.
  • Sequential Invoice numbers – with custom formatting: Setting Invoice/Delivery number start, your Invoice will display the Invoice number sequentially according to the settings you create.
  • WooCommerce Automatic Order Printing: Automatically send new Invoice or new Delivery to your order page, your email, right after customers order.
  • Establishes brand identity: You can add your logo, color scheme, and fonts that match your brand’s voice. You can also create customized messages, such as a “Thank You!” when create template.
  • Selects export Invoices as HTML or download PDF: Which format do you prefer to export Invoices, HTML or PDF? You can easily select the type of Invoice format
  • Invoice format to display: Select the Invoice format to display vertically or horizontally in A4 size
  • The color of the product list: Easily change the color display elements of the list of products on the Invoice such as photos, names, quantities, and so on.
  • Display settings: Easily set display settings for Invoice/Delivery in terms of digits, number start, number format, date format
  • Custom CSS: With this feature, you can edit and style the content, header and footer when creating the Template
  • Template available: Four Invoice pdf templates, Delivery templates are available to help customers customize or use them directly.
  • Cost savings: There are costs associated with paper, ink, and postage. Online invoicing eliminates these costs
  • Environmentally friendly: Using WooCommerce PDF Invoices plugin helps reduce environmental emissions, cutting down trees (producing paper), etc caused by a paper bill
  • Reduces errors and disputes: People create Invoices that are more prone to errors than automatically generated reducing errors helps you reduce error recovery costs.
  • Impress customers: Invoice automatically impresses customers with professionalism, adding sentences such as thank you on the Invoice to create sympathy for customers.


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