Layered Navigation is the tool that facilitates customer to search products by using filters such as color, brand, material, size, price, category, etc. With filters, customers will receive the specific results related to their demands most.
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At the position of store managers, I know that customer behaviors are unpredictable. So, giving them what they look is like you are holding the key to success in your hands. Anytime you let them wait or be delayed, I beg that they will leave your store. It is undeniable that the designs and products sold in the store play an important role but customer satisfaction always depends on shopping experience and convenience. Therefore, shop owners always want their customers to get the products in the easiest and fastest way when shopping. I saw a lot of shop owners find different methods to improvise customers’ way of browsing products and Magento 2 Layered Navigation Extension on Cmsmart is always preferred to narrow down search result.
In short, Layered Navigation is the tool that facilitates customer to search products by using filters such as color, brand, material, size, price, category, etc. With filters, customers will receive the specific results related to their demands most.
Let's look at the outstanding features and amazing benefits you can gain from this Magento 2 layered navigation extension:
Search by product attributes
Multi-select attributes
Ajax Loading page
Filter Options
Price sliders and other numeric filters
Ultimate responsive
Advanced categories menu
In/out of stock filters
Set the number of filter result
Attributes management
Flexible remove filter options
The site performance is improved significantly
You can choose two ways to display your filters: Check box and Drop Down. You can choose among them depending on your site requirements
With Magento 2 Layered Navigation Approaching customers from the variety of sources: mobile, desktop, laptop, etc.
You can display a category tree in many ways provided from various modes, for example in a dropdown, together with subcategories, static 2-level category tree with plus/minus controls, etc, hiding or moving category filters, excluding any categories from layered navigation.
You can decide how many filter results will be displayed when customers click on the filter name.
You can add a new attribute for filter or allow any attributes which will display in the category by enabling it in the admin panel.
There are two ways to display attribute: scroll and More/Less.
You can set up Magento 2 Layered Navigation for your site freely follow your style because it can be adapted for any kinds of stores.
Customers can save a lot of time when searching, they can search by filter Category, Style, Size, Color and more instead of walking around.
Customers can filter one or more values at the same time, all of the matching results will appear instantly after filtering without reloading a whole page
With Magento 2 Layered Navigation extension, your customers can select a certain price range according to their purchasing intentions including maximum and minimum price for all your products.
Customers can use any types of smart devices to visit the site and the experience is still wonderful as on desktop
Just by selecting SHOPPING BY button, customers can clear recent filters and start new ones.
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At the position of store managers, I know that customer behaviors are unpredictable. So, giving them what they look is like you are holding the key to success in your hands. Anytime you let them wait or be delayed, I beg that they will leave your store. It is undeniable that the designs and products sold in the store play an important role but customer satisfaction always depends on shopping experience and convenience. Therefore, shop owners always want their customers to get the products in the easiest and fastest way when shopping. I saw a lot of shop owners find different methods to improvise customers’ way of browsing products and Magento 2 Layered Navigation Extension on Cmsmart is always preferred to narrow down search result.
In short, Layered Navigation is the tool that facilitates customer to search products by using filters such as color, brand, material, size, price, category, etc. With filters, customers will receive the specific results related to their demands most.
Let's look at the outstanding features and amazing benefits you can gain from this Magento 2 layered navigation extension: