Recently, we discovered how client loving working with us by their 5 star recommedation

Thank you, you have the choice to renewal or not
If you want to download upgraded version or open ticket support after expried time, you can buy again the renewal. If not then is no and just use your product, No retrictions at all for life time
Have a nice weekend
what would be the renewal cost?
So i have to pay 39.93$ every 3 months? Or can I pay it annually?
The renewal cost will be 65% of the product price.
So I think you should use our recurring service, with just 39,93$ for each 3 months you will get many benefits below:
- Support domain license for each 3 months
- Unlimited tickets support
- Download & upgrade new version
Besides, you can cancel this service whenever you want
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to let me know.
Ya, our recurring service costs 39.93$ each 3 months.
Or you can choose the standard payment and renewal whenever you want.
But many customers use that standard version and almost all of them come back and use our recurring service because of its benefits.
Especially, you can get free upgrade whenever we release the new version