



Your search results

Total 613 results

Heart button in the product page

Hi, in your frontend demo of this component I don't see the hearth button to add the product into my wishlist.Is it possible to show it in this page? Or does it only appear in the category page in...
By Anna

Auto Download

I was wondering if there is a way to have the customer automatically download their design. It looks like I can go in and approve and then download it and sent it to them, but is there a way to have...
By Troy

Question about virtuemart wishlist

Hi,I need to add two wishlist systems in my website.I have a standard wishlist installed and now I need to add a birth wishlist.Can I install your extension in a website with another wishlist...
By Anna

Presale Q for WP Plugin of Online Designer (NB Designer)

I have the lite version installed for testing; it allows the user to decide canvas dimensions which is great. What I need to know is if you can set the app to charge by the square foot/meter based on...
Blair Wolf
By Blair Wolf

compatibility with other component

Dear Support,I'm making a product customizator with breakdesign's product builder, however I would need your file upload option also. I tried another file upload plugin, but it was not working due to...
Rozsnyai Sándor
By Rozsnyai Sándor

Change Dates

HiI want to be able to create new invoices from the admin panel but backdate the invoice so I can manually add data from a previous invoice system into VM. Does your extension allow creation date to...
By Pat

Upgrade to latest version

Hi guys,How do I upgrade my current version and did you not tell me at some point that by upgrading I would lose all customization done for - or by - me, including the PDF output and translations?
Robert Rijnders
By Robert Rijnders

issue while enablins design option in a product

Hi support team,I just installed the latest release of NB designer (1.7.0) on my wordpress instance (wp 4.9.1, woocomerce 3.2.5) but when I'm trying to enable the option Setting NB Designer - Enable...

Price by size (PreSale)

Hey guys, your design tool is the ONLY tool what dies what i want... ive checked ALL of them and after weeks of searching ill find yours.But i have a pricing-problem and i hope you have a solution...
Sascha Ha
By Sascha Ha

Upload photos in different variations of a bundle product

i want to have a bundle product with several different subproducts. Does this plugin allow the user to upload every different subproduct's photo in the single bundle product page?
By s.kakosaios

Allow basic photo edition filters for customers

I would like to know if this plugin allows the end customers to edit their images prior final product customization through some of the following functionsMultiple layers (of images and text, easy...
Ricardo Gaviria
By Ricardo Gaviria

Can submitted designs be exported CMYK and 300dpi?

Print ready files are CMYK and 300dpi. I need a plugin that can export files as print ready without having to edit in photoshop. So my question to you only requires a YES or NO answer:Can this plugin...
Russell Hayes
By Russell Hayes

Image DPI and Image quality details

Hi, may i asked what is the maximum DPI of the plugin exported images?and also if you could provide us the details of its output images quality.
noliemar francisco
By noliemar francisco

Arabic language in this Plugin

Can I add my Arabic language?also Need to put more optionsTo give more choose for my own Customers

Online Product designer EXPORT

Hello,We are about to buy you product (Online product designer) But we just need one more thing, is it possible to export .SVG file on your demo? If yes could you please let me know how? Thank you...
Karolis Žolobaila
By Karolis Žolobaila

Recently, we discovered how client loving working with us by their 5 star recommedation

Good Firm
