Frequently asked questions
WP Hotelier | WordPress Hotel Booking Solution

We can provide you with a number of scaled services such as a professional website, Social Media marketing, a full content maintenance package, site surveillance and tools that help us to secure, manage, upgrade, monitor your site and much more. We also provide highly affordable and superfast web hosting.

You don't need to be passionate about your website... you can leave that to us!

Hotel website design includes the layout, text, and visuals that you use on your hotel’s website to attract and engage potential customers. A quality website design will encourage those looking for a hotel to engage with your material and book a stay at your hotel when traveling to the area.

Hotel website design will need to consider the goals and behaviors of typical customers. Customers who visit hotel websites through mobile devices continue to increase with each passing year, indicating the importance of making sure that site design is mobile friendly.

Businesses also need to make sure that some of the most important information is easily visible for customers from the moment they click onto the site. This includes:

  • The business contact information, including the address and the phone number
  • Easy navigation so that customers can find booking calendars, rates, and images of rooms without any difficulty
  • Brand imagery and information about amenities that make it clear the type of experience customers can expect to have the hotel
  • Information about nearby attractions and points of interest that customers might appreciate

Hotel website design should focus on providing accessibility and clarity for anyone interested in booking a stay in their area. This means also paying attention to loading rates. Although graphics and images play important roles in communicating with potential customers, making sure that the load time doesn't slow down is an important part of hotel website design.

Your hotel website is your online brand home. The hotel website works to create an enjoyable experience for site visitors who might be interested in staying in your hotel. The website should broadcast your brand and entice visitors to book a stay at your hotel.

  • A hotel website will include a variety of different features. You will want to include pages and information such as:
  • An information page that helps to showcase your rooms. Beautiful pictures and appealing views can help customers envision themselves at the hotel.
  • A booking option. Allow customers to quickly and easily book a stay at the hotel directly on the website.
  • Information about your amenities. Customers want to know what they can access when staying at your hotel, such as a well-reviewed restaurant or a relaxing, luxurious spa. Use pictures and engaging text to paint them a picture.
  • Pages dedicated to the special events hosted at your hotel. If you regularly host weddings, business retreats, or other special events, make a portion of your site specifically dedicated to these events so customers can find the information they need to see the success others have had.

The website should focus on communicating your brand and leaving a lasting, positive impression on the customer. Luxury hotels, for example, will want to include imagery, language, and pictures that create a relaxing, luxurious feel. Your website is your home on the web and you want to invite customers to come and see what you have to offer.

The best room, rate, service and stay come right from booking with the hotel directly. While third-party booking sites can be a useful starting point for researching what hotels are available in certain destinations and at what price points, that's probably the extent to which they should be used


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