our company is currently in search for a magento 2 custom options extention which would allow us to set the predefined product options to the bulk of products we are selling in our Magento store.
We already found one alternative is the form of this extention: https://www.itoris.com/magento-2-custom-options.html . But we are still searching for other possibilities just to be sure that we would pick the best possible extention.
Therefore, here is my question. Do you have an extention similar to the one mentioned above allowing users to to associate options to other products in the store?
Best regards,
Hi Alexander,
I am Vincent from Customer Service Department from Cmsmart.net. It is my pleasure to support you in this case.
You can refer our price matrix extension in below link:
If you have any question more, feel free to ask me or contact me via Skype: [email protected] for a quick response.
Best regards,