NB Designer | Online Product Designer Plugin for WooCommerce WordPress
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I saw on your website a full full package- WP Printstore package. Is this a package including theme and NBdesigner integrated with a lot of premium plugins? Can i upgrade my purchase to the full package by only paying the difference price?
created by vincent
In the Enterprise package, Can i get benefit for Free 3 Month Professional Hosting Packages - 99$, So what happens after 3 months?
created by vincent
I will go with the Enterprise package for 6 months. Can i downgrade the start up package after 6 months?
created by vincent
Can you tell me the difference between the 4 packages in term of functions and services?
created by vincent
Can we setup the price of the product base on the sale quantity? eg: for 1 qty - $19, for 10 qty - $12?
created by Sam Helen
Can i add new code to get new function for this plugin for my busisness fit?
created by Sam Helen
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If you buy Online Design plugin on Cmsmart marketplace, you will use it for a lifetime.
But we provide 2 options for customers, Auto Renewal and Standard Payment, it has some differences:
- Auto Renewal: We think you should buy this package because you have 6 months to receive our support, download and upgrade free. But, after 3 months you only pay a small recurring fee for each 6 months, you don't need to buy the product again and you will still receive all benefits above in the next 6 months.
- Standard Payment: You only pay once for this payment, you will receive our support, download and upgrade free in 6 months. After 6 months, if you want to use our product, you have to buy again. It costs much money.