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The Magento Product Video extension being at a striking position will make your site be more informative than ever. Its invisible value (easy customization, multi-layout options, multi-display types…) really goes beyond the price you have to pay for it. With the product video extension, you can add videos easily and quickly for products from different sources such as Youtube, Vimeo or computer. The extension also allows you to customize various display styles with changeable thumbnail images. Besides, video disable or enable option can be selected in the back-end panel. In addition, through some other add-ons, video’s attributes can be customized, thereby; the product details page can be shown more lively and visually.
In front-end feature, the extension shows that it is really a space and time-saving solution.
It is placed as a separate part inside the product image block so that it doesn’t change your site dramatically bringing the truly familiar feeling for clients
The unlimited number of attached videos for one product is displayed horizontally with thumbnail images
The name of video is hidden, and then will be shown in a tooltip box so that it doesn’t take up too much space on site
Reducing unnecessary steps with other related videos placed at the same window
In back-end features, the Magento product video is
Video Dimensions: Adjust the height and width of the video
Pop-up video: Adjust the height and width of the pop-up video
Thumbnail dimensions: Adjust the height and width of the thumbnail image
Thumbnail slide: Enable/Disable the slide and adjust the speed
Display style options: 7 styles (in tab, in tab bar, in tab bar with popup, images and videos together, images and videos together with pop up, videos below images, videos below images with pop up)
Playing video with pop-up window or media block
Different options for video sources (from computer, Youtube, Vimeo…)
Add new videos, Edit video data (name, order, exclude type, thumbnail images), Delete videos in Admin panel
Enable or Disable the extension in Setting
Main Features
Allow maximum file size upload
Video player’s icon display
Specify video width and heighth
7 video’s display styles
Customize video pop up
Set video’s thumbnail size
Configure thumbnails height/ width
Enable Video thumbnails slider
Enable advertisements for local videos
Add advertisement url for video
Add video logo
Needless to say, this fantastic extension will let your product to be truly lively in front of your customers’ eyes.