There is the fact that the number of people using mobile devices to access Internet and enter to the website increases dramatically in recent year. Being the one of the most professional web service providers, we, Cmsmart, always put all our effort to improve our products and Mangento sector is not an exceptional.

If you are loyal customers of Magento platform, it is an omission if you skip Magento Responsive Admin template, which is one of our best-selling product. Over 3500 customers tried and quite satisfied with it just in one year. We work continiously to bring you the newest version of this theme that is version 3.0 as our deep gratitude for your attention to our products. This version is totally new with modern design and Menu setting with horizontal and vertical. It means that everything not only is designed tidily but also brings to users a professional feeling. The newest and hottest features of products are all mentioned below:

- Totally responsive enables customers to work smothly on all mobile devies anywhere and anytime
- Applying Bootstrap, CSS3, Jquery and Chartjs that will help your website save a lot of time and have high customizaton
- 5 color layouts can satisfy your demand and you can design in your own way from this diversification
- Admin layout is also designed focusing on easy to customize and attract vistors with clean and elegant look. Search tool and Preview button are also provided in Admin layout to increase the spead of finding and show you front-end interface quickly.
- The most wonderful feature is horizontal and vertical menu that helps you navigate quickly and smoothly with awesome icon font.
- Themify and awesome icon font set will inspire you to design and stimulate your creativity with tons of icons that can make your website be more attractive
- You no need to worry about language barriers thanks to Translation ready and Support RTL
- The update will totally free
If you don’t agree, click HERE to see discover all things above.