Dear our beloved customers!
No one has ever become poor from GIVING and Cmsmart is one of them.
Thanksgiving Day is the time for us to express our gratitude to our dearest customers, first Thanks and then Giving. We, Cmsmart must never forget that your best cooperation during our time.
On this occasion, we are not only giving 15% OFF on ALL products with coupon code is: “BLESSINGS” but also many Thank you gifts will surprise you.
You only comment your email/user name and your order numbers at our forum from 9 to 27 Nov 2015, you will get a chance to get our amazing gifts if you have enough condition below:
Buy at least $2,000 during our promotion, get voucher valued $200 (equal to $2,000 points)
Buy at least $1,000 during our promotion, get voucher valued $80 (equal to $800 points)
Buy at least $500 during our promotion, get or voucher valued $30 (equal to $300 points)
*** You use points to buy products on Cmsmart marketplace***
Amazing, right?
Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving festival!!!
You mean that I will send you total orders after 27 Nov or which day?
Thank you so much!
It says: Coupon is either invalid, expired or reached its usage limit !