CMSmart Ecommerce Community is a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that connects businesses Of all sizes and types, fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and promotes innovation and best practices in the Ecommerce industry.

Diane Mercier

created by Diane Mercier

  Hello, I would like to know if you offer the installation on my server? I would like the site to be ready to configure the categories and products. Here are the essentials I need: - French site for all the elements (buttons, confirmation page, online design ...) - my logo and favison - Quebec taxes - price matrix - file upload - possibility of adding pages

Hello! I've entered printing options and enabled it for my product just like the video guide shows (I also applied it to the specific product). I just can't see any of the fields I've made on the product site. These fields are Quantity, Custom Dimension, Orientation etc.Is there a problem with the printing options on the current version? I actually hope there is a problem because I've pretty much tried everything and it still doesn't work.

Hi,   Is it possible to upload a AI-file to the NBDesigner? And how? - The uploaded file have to work as a template Thanks!


last by unnamed

does the extension support Magento 1.9.3..?

Mitchell Daniel

created by Mitchell Daniel

I can process a design that is 6" x 24" no problem but I can't process a design that is 9" x 24" it basically act like it wants to process then I see the errors show up and the page goes back to how it was.   any ideas or help be much appreciated. thank you Mitch   in the console, I get these errors /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error) app-modern.min.js:349...


last by unnamed

Hi, I did some testing using your demo and found there is a problem with image alignment in both the output files and upon re-editing of an previously ordered document. I made a design template using the template manager by uploading a Hi Res jpg file with gray boxes to indicate where the customer should place there images on the document and saved it. Then I opened the product on the site as a...

Hello, If we are using the Amasty Shipping Table Rates. If we install your extension dos it work with Amasty Shipping Table Rates?      h

Hi  We have Magento Community Edition 1.5.x version, and looking for Single Sign on platform for OKTA integration. couple of questions?  1. does it suppor 1.5.x magento version  2. does it work with OKTA SAML configuration  3. does it have something, to exclude "/api/" from OKTA login to use as api for clients??  Any help is appreciated!!


last by unnamed

Hello It's specified in details section that this theme supports RTL but I couldn't find out how it is possible to enable RTL through its configurations. Would you help please?

I uploaded over 44 templates, but from the fronted when user try to select template and use or add to cart, it only displays 20 templates from 44 templates uploaded by me. What could be the cause?   How do i lock a image or text during template build so that customer cant touch it during their editing on site? 


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