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Hello, I purchased the Designer Plugin a few days ago. I like the Modern Layout but I some questions; 1) Where can I upload my own text templates so that I can add to the templates you provide? 2) Are these text templates available in the Classic Layout? 3) Are these SVG files?Thank you!


created by Sevciu

Hello guys, first of all I wanna say - you made a great improvement of that editor. Big thanxSecondly - Im having problem with translation. In my "fronend translation" i have everything translated into my languageI also use loco translate to make some translations. but for example i'm not able to translate basics things like Layers, Elements, Photos on left menu. They are not avaiable in Loco Translate

Why in modern setup we don’t have a custom dimension Same as clssic mode


last by unnamed

Hi,Is this plugin translated into Finnish?

Andres Scarpetta

created by Andres Scarpetta

Hello,I am in the process of upgrading my printing business and I have a question.I am thinking of purchasing the PrintShop Enterprise package and need to know if the price includes set up, adding products, payment gateways, logo, etc... Once i make the purchase am i going to have a 100% working site ready to sell or am i going to have to pay someone to set it up?Andres Scarpetta

Andres Scarpetta

created by Andres Scarpetta

Hello,I am in the process of upgrading my printing business and I have a question.I am thinking of purchasing the PrintShop Enterprise package and need to know if the price includes set up, adding products, payment gateways, logo, etc... Once i make the purchase am i going to have a 100% working site ready to sell or am i going to have to pay someone to set it up?Andres Scarpetta

David Kitley-McNamara

created by David Kitley-McNamara

Can this product be used for designing multiple pages on a product such as a book? As well as products like a t-shirt

I requested a free key through the plugin settings and an email never arrives. My client whose website I am building, has purchased the plugin from you. I have his information + key, and that does not work either. I could use some help here. I don't mind using just the free key to develop and then switch to his when the site goes live, but as I said, right now, neither are working....


created by Richard

Hi, I have a question regarding multi vendor support. Does this extend to multiple products being produced by multiple suppliers? We're primarily a print management company so each item could be produced by different suppliers.. Can we link a product to a supplier so files can be directly sent there...?For example... Business Cards may be produced by supplier AFlyers may be produced by supplier BFolded Leaflets may be produced by Supplier CBooklets may be...


created by alexpaul

I need a hosting for my personal website. I have gone through a huge list of providers and I have selected optimized WordPress hosting that is under my budget. Did anyone use this hosting do let me know their services?


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