What i wanted to achieve before i bought your item was that i could have this item as part of the addtocart form. Your plugin is just the same as the old one. What is the idea behind the onContentBeforeDisplay hook? This makes the plugin being showed in the bottom always.
Hi Rachid,
I am Vincent here. How are you today?
Kindly create a ticket in which you provide your admin info, fpt and cpanel to get our Dev's support.
If you have any questions more, feel free to contact me via Skype: Vincent@cmsmart.net for a quick response.
Hi Rachid,
I am Vincent here. How are you today?
Kindly create a ticket in which you provide your admin info, fpt and cpanel to get our Dev's support.
If you have any questions more, feel free to contact me via Skype: Vincent@cmsmart.net for a quick response.
Best regards,