Product Specification of Virtuemart delivery date & time

With nonstop development of modern society, online shopping now is very popular for everyone. If your product is not seen on internet, you will lose a huge number of customers.
Shop owner can delivery items with exactly date and time as noted on order if their website is integrated Advance Delivery date and time extension.


  • This module will show shipping day, date and time in a calendar to the customers. This will help them change or reschedule their delivery day, date or time in case they are preoccupied in specific date and time slot.
  • Apart from this customers would also receive the shipping date, day, time and related comments made by them for specific purchase through confirmation email.
  • They can also select different dates and shipping addresses to order multiple products through calendar view.
  • This will make them doubly sure about the delivery information, avoiding any confusion!


Advance delivery date & time for Virtuemart is very easy to use and convenient for customers through 3 steps

  • Step 1: Click "add to cart" button
  • Step 2: Go to check out step. At this step, you fill full all information in "bill to" and "ship to",
  • Step 3: Go to Payment and Shipment, choose receive time. With each location, you choose different date depends on shop owner aim. 


You are website store owner but you do not have much technology experience, just follow some easy steps below:

  • Step 1: Login on back-end and install this extension.
  • Step 2: Go to Plugin enable extension and setup delivery date. You can set up many types suitable for your site.
  • Step 3: To setup advance Delivery City, Go to components, and then choose delivery city to setup. Or you can setup delivery date in many different countries, states or zip code. You also can combine 3 things if you want.

This extension is the best choice for your site, when you setup, you not only manage easily but also have more various customers with different delivery time.

Below is full detail Features of Advance delivery date & time for virtuemart


  • Block dates for annual holidays - With an updates function of blocking dates on annual holidays, your customers can not select the dates to require your products delivery service
  • Customizable layouts - Titles' colors, labels and borders are customizable.
  • Create delivery date depends on country, state, specific zip code (11111, 22222), general zip code (14*, 15*) - If shoppers want to receive their product the fastest, they have to fill full your address as country, state….. You are prioritized to receive faster.
  • Select multi time to suitable with other customers - If your shoppers live other country, they can select time to suitable with their place they live.
  • Choose delivery time from a time slider - Shoppers can choose delivery time from a time slider. If they don't want, they can fill time in a box.
  • Select multi time to suitable with other customers - If your shoppers live other country, they can select time to suitable with their place they live.
This is a Virtuemart Extensions item
Product rating: 5 star rating 5/5 based on 32 rating(s)

2021, Jan 25

Joomla 3.2.x, Joomla 3.3.x, Joomla 3.4.x, Joomla 3.5.x, Joomla 3.6.x, Joomla 3.9.x, Joomla 3.x, Virtuemart 2.6.x, Virtuemart 2.9.x, Virtuemart 3.0.x, Virtuemart 3.1.x, Virtuemart 3.2.x, Virtuemart 3.4.x, Virtuemart 3.8.x, Virtuemart 3.9.x


$59.25 GPL License

You can use the product for your own website or your clients website if you are developer. You are allowed to use this extension on Unlimited website while our private support is base on domain.

  • Private support for each 12 months
  • Unlimited tickets support
  • Download & upgrade new version

Extend support: $21.33/ 12 months/ 1 domain

You can cancel renewal fee anytime if do not need while keep using the product for lifetime.

Get it now and save up to $37.92
$63.4 GPL License

You can use the product for your own website or your clients website if you are developer. You are allowed using this extension on Unlimited website while our private support is base on domain.

  • Private support for each 12 months
  • Unlimited tickets support
  • Download & upgrade new version

You can use the product for a lifetime without purchasing it again or pay for renewal payment. You should repurchase this product when your package expired but you still want to get our support or update to the latest version

Support Domain License Under a 1 support domain license for the item you are granted a non-exclusive non-transferable permission to use the item on a single site.

If you plan to use the product on other domains, you SHOULD buy now to SAVE much better than buying separated order.
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Full solutions for niches industry

We provide many powerful completed Printshop, Multistore marketplace, etc solutions for industry

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Excellent support and consultancy

We have a dedicated support team that delivery the excellent support

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Private customization for your project

If you don't like our product as it is, you can custom it as you want

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Long-term partnership care

We also want to have a long-term partnership with customer to support and take care


See our changelog below to update your site better

Compatible with: Joomla 3.2.x, Joomla 3.3.x, Joomla 3.4.x, Joomla 3.5.x, Joomla 3.6.x, Joomla 3.9.x, Joomla 3.x, Virtuemart 2.6.x, Virtuemart 2.9.x, Virtuemart 3.0.x, Virtuemart 3.1.x, Virtuemart 3.2.x, Virtuemart 3.4.x, Virtuemart 3.8.x, Virtuemart 3.9.x

Version 5.1.0 Updated: 2021, Jan 25

+ Compatible with Joomla 3.9.x, Virtuemart 3.8.x

+ Added: Option block after time

+ Added: Delivery rule

+ Added: Delivery Calendar

+ Fixed Bug: Conflict with Cmsmart One Page Checkout

+ Fixed Bug: Some CSS bugs

+ Fixed Bug: Javascript error validate language text with single quote characters

+ Fixed Bug: Do not clear date time cookies after order done.

Version 5.0.3 Updated: 2019, Feb 28

+ Compatible with Joomla 3.9.x, Virtuemart 3.4.x

+ Added: Option max days of delivery date

+ Fixed Bug: Delivery date and time values not being returned with order of client

+ Fixed Bug: Do not check required time list after change

+ Fixed Bug: Do not working with One page checkout for Virtuemart

+ Fixed Bug: Do not have delivery date time on email when working with One Page Checkout

+ Fixed Bug: Some small CSS errors

Version 5.0.2 Updated: 2018, Oct 01

+ Added: Add Deutsch (Deutschland) language

+ Added: Options required time and required date

+ Added: Option change location show delivery date time block

+ Fix Bug: Don not show language text on PHP 7 + update language folder

+ Fix Bug: Delivery date and time required enter twice when use time list

+ Fix Bug: Not required time list after reload cart page

Version 5.0.1 Updated: 2018, Jul 13

+ Compatible with Joomla 3.8.x and Virtuemart 3.2.x

+ Added: Automatic change Date Picker language by current Joomla language

+ Added: Support Touch-Friendly when select time on Mobile Phone

+ Fixed Bug: Delivery Date not show when view order back-end

+ Fixed Bug: Broken view on checkout page

+ Fixed Bug: Date input missing 2 last digits number of year

+ Fixed Bug: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$checked on plugin back-end

+ Fixed Bug: Small CSS error

Version 5.0.0 Updated: 2016, Apr 28

+ Compatible with Joomla 3.4.x & VM 3.0.12

+ Fixed bug:

+ Don't keep input of the date when click [check out now] button

+ Don't enter proper about the interval but successful order

+ Delivery date is required filed

+ Don't show Drag and drop type of delivery time in front-end

+ Don't disable [date block list]

+ Added dropdown's the color of delivery time

+ [Block after] field not correct with [Due to] field

+ [Block after] field can input other characters which is not digits

+ Feature:

+ Change product's name is Advance delivery date & time for Virtuemart

+ Allowed creating different delivery date & time based on the country, the state and zipcode

Version 4.0.0 Updated: 2015, Nov 25

+ Allowing to set up format date

+ Allowing to adjust displaying of delivery time with 2 options

+ Selecting interval time

+ Drag time option

+ Allowing to setup displaying of the delivery day after current day

+ Config and display delivery city

Version 3.5.0 Updated: 2015, Feb 26

#Fix Bugs

+ Date Picker Font Error

+ Time Picker malfunction

+ Database error while placing an order

+ Broken Icons on frontend

+ Date Block error

+ Typing custom date does not work

+ Required notice error

+ Not showing delivery date – time on FE after placing orders

+ Previous dates are not blocked

+ Form display error when cancelling payment, changing shipments or payments

Version 3.0 Updated: 2014, Nov 07

+ Compatible with Joomla 3.x and VM 2.9.x - 3.x

# Fix bug of displaying and hiding properties in admin configuration, icon and text overlapped.

# Fix bug of not printing delivery date and time on checkout page successfully.

Version 2.0 Updated: 2014, Jul 24


+ Able to choose an accurate date for delivery

+ Able to pick up an interval for product delivery.


+ Admin can set up delivery time as a required part in the checkout process

+ Customize title color, label and border

+ Display settings: icon, title, label

+ Input a list of blocked dates

+ Allow admin to block dates for annual holidays

Version 1.0 Updated: 2014, Apr 29

+ Compatible with Joomla 2.5.x and Virtuemart 2.0.x

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(32) Reviews

Don't just hear from our side, hear from our beloved customers and try our demo, you will find what they said is true

Kris 5 star rating



   Extremely helpful and works great, very nice extension for a very reasonable price. Great functionality out of the box. The team was also extremely helpful with with configuration and customization. This is great solution and saved me lots of time to control the delivery date. Excellent job Binh and the team, Thank you so much.   

Helmut Loefflad 5 star rating


Helmut Loefflad

   Support is really great, beside solving your problems they are always open to talk about ideas and actually implementing them.   

Blak 5 star rating



   thank you for your help   

Jorge 5 star rating



   Very nice support, solved the issue really fast, very happy with it. thanks.   

Stella 5 star rating



   Great support and product!   

Antonis 5 star rating



   Great support! Very fast, helpful and effective! CMSmart is developing Joomla extensions that you cannot find anywhere else! Thanks a lot!   

Jack Hittle 5 star rating


Jack Hittle

   Your support is very much appreciated.   

Thanawat Thanachawawat 5 star rating


Thanawat Thanachawawat

   Great support!!   

Thaddeus Tazioli 5 star rating


Thaddeus Tazioli

   Problem resolved! Good job!   

Spencer Holloway 5 star rating


Spencer Holloway

   This extension makes my online flower store become unique among the crowd. The sale revenue increases along with the customers satisfied. give you 5 stars for quality!   

Retro Alex 5 star rating


Retro Alex

   Very good pluging with excellent support! The best solution to have delivery date on you site! Thanks! :)   

Benjamin Giles 5 star rating


Benjamin Giles

   Perfect extension for delivery service businesses. I got the satisfactions of doing work that one loves. Thanks Cmsmart very much! Highly recommend the product & the team. They provide a great value.   

designxtutti 5 star rating



   awesome! very useful extension. I solved my promblems with the shipment by using this extension. you can create by your self the selection field and give all the choise you want to your costumers..satisfaction 100%   

Full Effect 5 star rating


Full Effect

   Nice plugin, I got little problems with this plugin vs my template. I mailed the support group and they fixed it really fast! Good work Guys!   

Top Bakkers 5 star rating


Top Bakkers

   Nice plugin, easy to use. We had some problems to show the date as dd-mm-yy, but the support is great and fixed it. Nice work.   

PokerRebel 5 star rating



   Very nice plugin. Worked well with my template and served its purpose very well. Excellent support on the product. Well done...   

HTTPS ICT 5 star rating



   The support is Excellent. Every issue i had was solved within 24 hours.
Integration with Joomla is Excellent.
The code is so clean that it is easy to customize.
No hacks but really a Joomla plugin.

Feature request: Date notation.. Would like to be able to change it to dd-mm-yy   

xavier 5 star rating



   The support for this plugin is great so far. It will be great if they can add more features to the plugin such as controlling the available delivery time from backend.


sturmmed 5 star rating



   This plugin is absolutely fantastic, but what makes it even better is the support that you get from CMSMart. I needed some customization, and it was done very fast and worked the first time out.

I highly recommend all of the wonderful extensions by CMSMart!   

Jack Schuurkes 5 star rating


Jack Schuurkes

   The support by Mr. Lakabina was very excellent. I needed some customization to the delivery date f.e. only show two weeks ahead and disable todays date.

I can recommend the Virtuemart extensions from CMSMART.
Keep up the good work.
Best regards from the Netherlands   

Brett 5 star rating



   I find more and more that partnering with the right people yields the best results - that is why I am so pleased to give this review. The team at CMS Mart are professionals who will stand by your side to make sure you get the best out of their extensions - they go the extra mile and in my book that makes them outstanding partners and I Highly Recommend them!   

Anderson Höfelmann 5 star rating


Anderson Höfelmann

   I bought the plugin Delivery Date for VM and the implementation is a bit more complex, the need for various adaptations for use in combination with a component from another vendor. However, the support team, especially Mr. Paul, met me with all the attention and resolved all difuculdades. As a result, my system works perfectly! Congratulations to the developers and support! Recommend!   

ITUNEXXMD 5 star rating



   The support is polite and try to help and solve clients' problems as soon as possible. Thank you!   

IAWeb 5 star rating



   Purchased it for one of our websites and needed some major modifications to suit our needs, which the guys in Vietnam executed and now it perfectly fits what we need... = HAPPY CUSTOMER   

Hakan 5 star rating



   I purchased this VM Delivery Plugin with CMS's VM Onepage plugin for a florist eCommerce site to improve. And now fully satisfied! Warrior Hoàng from the support team helped me along the way to resolve many technical issues, lightning fast support! Highly recommended!   

Luish Travis 5 star rating


Luish Travis

   Just looking for an extension like this. An extension can help me set up a delivery date for my website. It is very easy to install and works perfectly. Good extension, 5 stars!   

Charles Dendyn 5 star rating


Charles Dendyn

   This product is perfect, I installed easy, it's is update information is very good in the process. I will buy many products of CMSmart!   

Donald W. Kendall 5 star rating


Donald W. Kendall

   very good extensions. this product help me save time when I set up time delivery time and location for customer. my customer is very happy and they comeback my site to purchase many product. thanks.   

Edith Vinogradova 5 star rating


Edith Vinogradova

   Shoppers can choose delivery dates, delivery time and delivery locations in a list during their checkout process,so every order is delivered on time. It is this that customers trust in our website more, THANK YOU VERY MUCH !   

Alice Hooper 5 star rating


Alice Hooper

   If you are using Virtuemart store you should install this software, saves time, I've used it and was very happy with the quality of products.   

Fidel N. Alexander 5 star rating


Fidel N. Alexander

   Your job is setup this product and all the rest is the date of the Product Delivery for Virtuemart 3 plugin, so wonderful. I have used and completely trust.   

John Nelson 5 star rating


John Nelson

   My customers are satisfied with this product, they can set the date and time, location receive goods easy, and I'm also easily manage their orders.   

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Skype: janet.tran.92

WhatsApp: +84 965 799 488


Mr. Vincent Ray

Skype: live:vincent_4281

WhatsApp: +84 978 847 058



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