CMSmart Ecommerce Community is a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that connects businesses Of all sizes and types, fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and promotes innovation and best practices in the Ecommerce industry.


last by unnamed

for links


last by unnamed

Is this extension encrypted in anyway, limiting me from further extending it for my specific needs?

With Ecommerce becoming a gold mine, entrepreneurs don’t want to miss out on grabbing their share. Having options to choose from over 30 different platforms to kick-start their business, it can be overwhelming to come to a decision.38% of the ecommercer platform market is dominated by Magento (8.12%) and WooCommerce (29.8%) together. WooCommerce is the most popular and fastest growing ecommerce platform, it has been downloaded 8,677,318 times. And now, more...

I have this template but am unclear on how to make a product a featured product.

Hello I would be interested in learning more about this. Could you please send me an email at [email protected] so I can further describe what we are looking for?Thanks

Louise Cuschieri

created by Louise Cuschieri

Hi,I'd like to use this to design wall decals in a circular shape. Can the design template be adjusted so that the available area to upload artwork is circular instead of rectangular?Thanks,Louise

created by Janet Tran

Hi guys,I know that you are very satisfied with your site now, but as you know the technology are developing every day, it changes quickly as a wind so if you don’t usually upgrade your site, you will lose a huge change.With 5 extensions below:1. Magento Color Swatch with zoom2. Magento Order Upload Extension3. Magento Product Video Extension4. Magento Ajax Cart Pro5. Magento Ajax Search Auto-complete and SuggestYou will make your site stronger than...

Douglas Shaw

created by Douglas Shaw

Hello, Does your admin theme affect the user dashboard when a customer logs in?


last by unnamed

Dear !I want to buy this template with price $47.69.I don't need extend support (Extend support each 6 months for $17.17).Please reply and explain.Thanks so much !

Przemysław Woliczko

created by Przemysław Woliczko

I paid for the module, but I can not download the module from your page. I am getting this error:This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.NoSuchKeyThe specified key does not exist.vendors/huy.admin/plg_nb_vm_system_onepagecheckout_UNZIP_FIRST.zip573BBA16EA46E416yI+8tl+HfkP37uiuQgOCszXnnRLlWgWY+hxvdvYAZ6wcwlSnIYQrzRsRPD/MYb1sI1c0+l/wMBw=


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