CMSmart Ecommerce Community is a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that connects businesses Of all sizes and types, fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and promotes innovation and best practices in the Ecommerce industry.

Hi,I have this message when I try to go to the page of the New Order Extended in Admin/CmsMart Order management.Here is the message :An error has occurred.1146 - Table 'website.#__virtuemart_shipmentmethods_en_gb' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT s.virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id, l.shipment_name, l.shipment_desc, s.shipment_params FROM #__virtuemart_shipmentmethods s LEFT JOIN #__virtuemart_shipmentmethods_en_gb l ON s.virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id = l.virtuemart_shipmentmethod_id (I have just the FR language used inn my VM shop is there a problem with that situation ??Many thanksThD(last versions Joomla 3.6.5 / ...

I wanted to know if Any renewal cost is applied on this product? Like after making the standard payment do I have to pay for renewal by year end?


last by unnamed

Hi, do you have the back end demo / video available yet or a trial version to test?

Hello. Is the demo already fixed and can Inget a link to it?Is there a website built entirely with this solution? And last question, what type of file does the vendor get in the backend (after customer used the designing tool)? Can it be already scaled, put on the right template and ready to print? Or do you still have to do all those steps manually?

Hello Sir! I want to buy this theme but before that i want to clear my doubts that is this price $399 if for lifetime licence and did this theme include online product design tool

I own an online print shop. I really like the functionality of your online NBdesigner plugin, however, it seems that you are only allowed to attach a single image to the order. Can you attach more than 1 image to the order? IE: Attach a Business Card FRONT image & business card BACK image to the order?


last by unnamed

hi,can I ask if by adding this extension to my joomla website, will I be able to set different price for different days of a week in virtuemart shipping options.Kind regards

We would like to buy the Magento Megamenu extension, what is the fix price to buyout and use this extension for ever to our site? Is it up and working right now for magento or it will crash our site?

Hi I have some questions to ask about the compatibility of this theme to our business but prefer to ask in private message / email.

Some questions:1.- the price of 399.00 is unique payment? what about support? it's only for 3 months?2.- I need to play my website first in Spanish. Is it totally working in spanish?3.- I bought some time ago, another printshop theme but for magento. Now I'll try with wordpress, but the hosting that I have is telling me WP need a lot of resources.... What I need in the server side to run complete solution?4.-...


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