If you search on Google about online marketing technique and tools, the results returned may be thousands; making the decision to choose among them is never easy because it depends on your online shop structure, your financial capacity, and your marketing orientation.  Video marketing is always the first choice but if you want to apply it properly, this article will help you by providing the power of video to your site when you use Magento product video extension.

Going Viral

It is not exaggerated if we said that video is like a virus. It is so easy for videos on your site to spread and pass along to others. In general, when one person watches a video about products, services and they feel it is so interesting, helpful they will share that video for their family members, friends, etc. That sharing act is more obvious when social media like Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest mushroom.

Search Engine Results

Google loves video and videos are, now, searchable by search engines. This love does not come from the subjective feelings of people operating Google; it results from the demands of Internet users. In more details, it means that when one person search one thing on the Internet, he/she will tend to watch a video first instead of reading long text. It is the reason why when you type a keyword, video result is always prioritized to put on the top of the page.


The video is always more dynamic than text, why? It is a mix of text, image, sounds, music, etc. Therefore, it can take advantages of all factors, the strength will be increased far much higher, can impress visitors stronger. Let’s take a small test on your site by adding a video on your homepage, we beg that the “stickiness” of your website will be increase amazingly; it will equal the average amount of time visitors spend on your site. Remember that video can capture customers’ attention faster and keep them on your site longer than text.


Nothing can help your brand effective as video. Videos allow the service provider to build a rapport with their visitors. Because service businesses tend to rely on the relationships the service provider builds with the customers, videos can help to build the connection and thus boost sales.

The four things mentioned above are the common benefits of video, but how you can apply videos and make them benefit your business always challenge your ability. We, Cmsmart can help you deal with that difficulty by offering you a product called Magento Product video extension. It enables admin to upload any videos from a different source such as YouTube, Vimeo or from computer to Magento product page. Let’s take a look over how Magento product video benefits your business:

  • YOUTUBE API USAGE: You upload one video on your site; it means that video is also available on Youtube.
  • Managing all video in the backend: All products video will be managed in the menu named "All Videos" of "ProductVideo Pro" or it is also managed separately on the specific product.
  • Rating video: increase the credibility of your site
  • UPLOAD VIDEO FROM FRONT-END: you can custom some special types of customers who can upload a video on front-end and approve content before displaying them.
  • Customizing play button as you wish
  • Videos in your website will play with pop-up window or media block