hello, tried out the free plugin on WordPress and would love to purchase the premium version. Tried creating a two sided business cards with two sides. but couldn't. Hos do i do that? i need to be sure before i pay.
Saw the two sided card in your site demo and it worked. Why am i unable to create same two side card on the free plugin?
I have new version on plugin. but i have re-downloaded another as you said but still same issue. i can only see one side of the card, how do i create another side of a card or design. Dont you guys have documentation?
Check screenshot: https://screenshots.firefox.com/EBXX92ewO9H1DW0c/
Also, why is the function to export design not working from the design portal?
Hello, i am not on WhatsApp.
Still using your LITE version
1. Why is the function to export design not working from the design portal?
2. Is it possible to design a template in core draw format and upload which will still be editable for my customers as templates? Tried the import function but when imported, nothing appears in the design?
Theses are my concerns.
I will love to remove the Re-Upload Design or re-edit button at cart page, how do i remove it?
Thank you.