A website will get better and better if you set up plugins to support your work. But for many people, setting up a plugin is quite difficult. So, Cmsmart introduce easily way to install any plugins, such as the one below.

WooCommerce Event Ticket & Calendar is a WordPress plugin to create events with defined start times and duration in a schedule. It is essential plugin to help you own a professional and user-friendly event website, not only about event organization but also more. Customers who visit your website can easily register your services and events.

3 steps to install and configure WooCommerce Event Ticket & Calendar Plugin:

Download file wpbookingevent.zip

Step 1: Add and install plugin

Access to Dashboard –> Plugins –> Add New –> Upload Plugin

Next, click “Choose File”, navigate to the Plugin folder that you have downloaded. Then click on “Install Now” button

Step 2: Activate plugin

After installation is complete, click “Activate Plugin” to allow the plugin to work

Step 3: Import sample data

The WP Booking Event tab is available, click on it and import media sample. It takes about 3 minutes, you can start your event website.

See details in the video below:

It’s easy to install and configure WooCommerce Event Ticket & Calendar right? You can try this product on WPEvent Demo. We hope that you find the guidance useful. If you have any questions about this product, feel free to contact Vincent. He will answer your question


Sales Consultant Manager

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Phone/ WhatsApp: +84 978 847 058

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