We are thinking about buying NBDesigner for our company website for various branding products to design online. We are using the FREE Trial version for prelimary testing, however, mobile version is very important for our products because most clients rely on phones for ordering.

We noticed the prices are not updating on variations (Prices are correct on PC) on mobile phones for BOTH Android and iPhones, when you select another variation, the prices do no change and you get an error message if you add to cart since the price listed is incorrect and you lose the design that was uploaded. If you can fix the mobile variation issues on mobile phones, we will buy the full version immediately.

Product with variation: http://www.gracecomputer.net/product/outdoor-feather-flag?lang=en

Prices show correctly PC
Prices do not change when selecting variations on Mobile version

2x7 1-sided should show $129
2x7 2 sided should show $149
3x10.5 1-side should show $149
3x10.5 2-side should show $199
2.5x14 1-side should show $199
2.5x14 2 side should show $229