CMSmart Ecommerce Community is a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that connects businesses Of all sizes and types, fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and promotes innovation and best practices in the Ecommerce industry.

Someone could explain how to create other customize attributes, like the example in image? I tried to create a new customize field (print color), then i apply that to the product, but the thumbnail square adds to the other field thumbnails (material). There is no documentation about this so if someone knows how to....Thanks. Maurizio

There is the fact that the number of people using mobile devices to access Internet and enter to the website increases dramatically in recent year. Being the one of the most professional web service providers, we, Cmsmart, always put all our effort to improve our products and Mangento sector is not an exceptional.If you are loyal customers of Magento platform, it is an omission if you skip Magento Responsive Admin template, which is one...

created by Janet Tran

The more detailed the order is, the more customer can get satisfaction!Currently, orders from customer are not just simple selection of product categories; it is now more complex than before. When clients want to a product with their own features, a truly demanding order, it’s time to see how Magento Order Upload Extension works on the problem. The extension created by CMSmart can be surprised with the function of attaching different files from...

I am inquiring about using your product for a Non-Profit strictly charity group which uses virtuemart.Our target audience is so small that we only have around 200 customers.Our charity provides clothing to school children and jackets and clothes. The charity has been doing the giving for nearly 30 years from now and the web-developer has created a website with virtuemart and we would like to give your product a test drive.We would like...

Hello, i want to change the delivery date.Now you can choose the today and tomorrow date. But i want people to choose a date after tomorrow.How can I easily fix this by myself?In Hikashop you easily can do it in the Plugin, but in this date picker you cannot.Can you help me to solve this?Gr. Edgar

Dear our beloved customers!No one has ever become poor from GIVING and Cmsmart is one of them.Thanksgiving Day is the time for us to express our gratitude to our dearest customers, first Thanks and then Giving. We, Cmsmart must never forget that your best cooperation during our time.On this occasion, we are not only giving 15% OFF on ALL products with coupon code is: “BLESSINGS” but also many Thank you gifts will surprise you.You...

VirtueMart is an e-commerce extension for the open source Component Management System Joomla. It is an e-commerce extension that can be used for small or large online storage, written in PHP and uses MySQL database for data storage.As an extension, it is a component for Joomla only which cannot be used on any other Content Management Systems such as WordPress, MiaCMS etc…VirtueMart in history and now is still a free and easy to use...

Online Printing Services have dramatically impacted on many branches of worldwide e-commerce industry, which led to the great leaps of doing Print business using websites known as Web-to-print or Web2Print. However, there is lack of good Web-to-print solutions with advanced techniques and most importantly affordable price which is best suited for small and medium printing agent. Therefore, Cmsmart has developed all-in-one product called Magento Printing website theme which is the best option on this...

created by Janet Tran

We are in the technology world with many enormous innovation of mankind. Today, e-commerce is gradually replacing for traditional trade method. Only by one click or some actions of searching on internet, you can buy the product you want.To catch up with the digital development, e-commerce websites built on Joomla platform are becoming more popular and familiar with website owner. It is smarter with Joomla templates and extensions which help website more functional and...

Kapil Murugiah

created by Kapil Murugiah

Hi,i'm unable to install the theme.Could you help me further with this?


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