CMSmart Ecommerce Community is a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that connects businesses Of all sizes and types, fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and promotes innovation and best practices in the Ecommerce industry.


last by unnamed

Hi,Is this component is available in french ? Thinks,Marc

created by Janet Tran

Selling online can open up huge new markets for many businesses. When your store can be open 24/7 and you can reach a global market without the costs of mailings and call centers, it can be a huge boon to your business. But there are plenty of things to consider when designing an eCommerce site.This is for all the online store owners to help them find the cause of their ‘not so going well’...

Hi,Can you supply a link to a product that we can test the options and run through the upload and checkout options on 'Theme 2'. We like theme 1 but would like to test Theme 2 before we purchase as from what we are reading the price matrix doesnt work with Theme 1 along with other features?Thanks!D

It is very disappointing that there is no way to contact you guys as my subscription with you guy has been with all kinds of frustrations. Trying to contact your customer service is like writing a a PH.D thesis! The template is not good.The subscription licensed key is not working. No way to contact you for support. If nothing is done about this situation, I am going to file a claim back with paypal.You...


created by rasaq

I recently paid for 3-domain license but I am still getting the error mentioned in the subject above after having copied the subscription license key to MAGENTO AMAZONSHOP THEME as though I did not pay for the item. My website is I am just wondering why this message is coming up despite the fact that I have only used the license on just a website.


created by Damon

Hi,I would like to purchase your product. I have a couple of questions, do you have an email I can contact you on?Thanks!D

Magento and WordPress have grown to be the much-described topic of discussion, with regards to e-commerce development. Both of them are content management systems and comes rich in exemplary features that assist internet based shopping sites to create the high-end and functional e-store. Frequently retailers get confused in selecting the ideal platform for developing their web store. Using this article, I’ll provide insight on when you should pick WordPress or Magento specifically for your...

When people think about SEO, there is likely a specific idea that comes to mind. You might think about certain keywords or links, or you might think about certain tricks that you have used in the past. If you have never worked in eCommerce, however, then you have to change everything that you know. The needs here are different from the needs for a blog, and it shows in what succeeds. If you want...

Ken Amoke

created by Ken Amoke

HelloI would like to know if this furniture theme is compatible with this multi vendor plugin.Kindly do let me know. is it possible to use a different payment gateway apart from Paypal?Regards

Hi,In Joomla 3, VM3, how do I get the invoices to automatically send to customers on a confirmed order?I have orders processed through Paypal, where the order is confirmed, and an invoice is created in CMS Order management... but the invoice is marked as "Invoice Not Sent", with the red 'X'.I know I can do this manually, but can I set it up so that the invoice is emailed autometically on confirmed creation?thanks,Mike


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