CMSmart Ecommerce Community is a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that connects businesses Of all sizes and types, fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and promotes innovation and best practices in the Ecommerce industry.

Customer Experience and User Experience is not same!Nowadays, UX (User experience) is an aspect that many designers focus to improve and they directly influence the UX. But, to obtain more comprehensive efficiency, they need to understand about CX (Customer experience). You may have a question that why we should know about CX? Read this article to get the answer. It will explain for you how the good understanding of CX will make you better...


last by unnamed

Hello,I want to know if the package works with joomla 3x and virtuemart 3x?Does the pack have :- One page checkout?- Ajax cart?- Multi language?I await your reply before ordering.

When you buying a product in a local store, cashiers often ask you some questions like: “Do you want to sign up for our membership card?” or “What’s your email address/your telephone number?” Maybe it’s just a standard company policy but sometimes it will make you feel frustrated because you just want to quickly buy the product and go on your way.In another sector, this situation also often occurs when you shopping online. When...

Chip Kerr

created by Chip Kerr

The Live Demo is great, this looks like what I need for my shop. Is it possible to see what this system looks like from the Admin side? Specifically When someone uploads a file into the system how do I as the owner of the system see and use that file and get it into production?


last by unnamed

Hi,Is there a way to get a few examples of stores using your theme? A client wishes to see it on real use before purchasing.thank you,Rui

created by Retro Alex

Hi,Is there the posibility to preset some intervals at Time Delivery?Example: Option 1: From 10 am - 13 pmOption 2: From 13 pm - 18 pmOption 3: Any timeThanks!

Online Printing Services have dramatically impacted on many branches of worldwide e-commerce industry, which led to the great leaps of doing Print business using websites known as Web-to-print or Web2Print. However, there is lack of good Web-to-print solutions with advanced techniques and most importantly affordable price which is best suited for small and medium printing agent. Therefore, Cmsmart has developed all-in-one product called Magento Printing website theme which is the best option on this...


last by unnamed

I recently purchased your Magento Admin theme, and have tried almost 10 times to download it. Every time the download starts fast, then gets so slow it times out, hangs and does nothing and if I try to use my download manger I get a 403 !!How can I get this file?


created by person

Hello,Is it possible to edit only the ADMIN order confirmation email and add the field "PRODUCT INTERNAL NOTE" next to the product sku of all products inside this mail??

Oltech BC Oldenbeuving

created by Oltech BC Oldenbeuving

After installing Color Swatch Plugin for Virtuemart the plugin configuration page remains blanc.Please advise how to troubleshoot.Regards Beuvema


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