CMSmart Ecommerce Community is a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that connects businesses Of all sizes and types, fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and promotes innovation and best practices in the Ecommerce industry.

Dear our beloved customers, Since July 2015 with the birth of Magento 2, a transformed version of the Magento Ecommerce Platform with brand new architecture, coding structure, and database design, the support for Magento 1 will end soon in June 2020. No one would like to be left behind. So, it is a wise decision to migrate Magento 1 to Magento 2 as soon as possible. If you have a plan for the migration process but...


created by Marc

Hebben jullie al een versie die werkt met VM 3.6.10.?

 I wish my sellers can only sell the designs created and not their products how can I do that?

Dear our beloved customer, 2019 has passed and 2020 comes. And we all know that 2020 will be an amazing year for all of us. Our CMSmart team wants to thank you for choosing us to be your partner. We know there are a lot of choices out there but you still choose us and we really appreciate. The best way to say thank you is trying our best to improve our products and services....

Massoud Khodaei

created by Massoud Khodaei

Hi ! How can I add "Use our templates" box to show when someone click on "Start and upload design" Button? like this screenshot And i have another question? Is there anyway to allowed customer to upload 2 files for their orders? For example upload 1 file for each sides of Business Card? because now when they click to upload button they only can upload one file and they need to compress their file and send as a ZIP file.

I have 3 "Color/Material" fields (A B C) all set with:   conditional show/hide   display type = swatch   changes product image = Yes   switch type = image   different images   different product image Suppose: The product image will change when one of the attributes is clicked. Problem: The product image only changes when the attribute of the last field is clicked. If I re-arrange the sequence, (eg fields A B C to A C B), only B works, A & C won't...

Hi, is it possible to remove background color on uploaded image? What I mean is like, if the background have "black" color, I just want to remove the black color.. and maintain the image. Thanks!


last by unnamed

When I click on the join for free option i'm redirected to the customer sign up form, which is awesome. But when I click on Sell on Multistore, nothing happens. My question is, how can a vendor register on the site so that he/she can start adding products and selling on the websites?

HI i HAVE A SAME TEMPLATE WITH MULTIPLE COLORS (The Layout and design is same only colors changes) Is there an option where i can mark template as parent template or relate all this color templates with i=one another and then give options of available colors

hI,   i HAVE A SAME TEMPLATE WITH MULTIPLE COLORS (The Layout and design is same only colors changes) Is there an option where i can mark template as parent template or relate all this color templates with i=one another and then give options of available colors


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