CMSmart Ecommerce Community is a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that connects businesses Of all sizes and types, fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and promotes innovation and best practices in the Ecommerce industry.

There is a persistent worry between online sellers and abandoned orders. How to ensure that people do not give up their shopping carts and if they do so, they will come back to it? While the reason for shopping cart abandonment is numerous, from a higher than expected price to a complex payment process, we now have a solution. Cart Pro module that allows customers to add, remove, and update products in a much easy way,...

Today, many users simply expect the site to have a direct search. The purpose of the search is to immediately lead customers to the product they need. Therefore, if your website makes customers spend a lot of time searching, they will tend to leave your site. By helping visitors find content that matters to them, you can keep them on your site longer, provide better user experience, and maybe even generate some extra revenue by...

You are running an e-commerce store that requires customers to be able to upload images or other files on the product page. It could be a print shop, a personal gift shop, a stationery shop or millions of other VirtueMart stores. But you need to be able to add upload files to product pages. With the VirtueMart Order Upload Plugin, adding images or file uploaders to your product page is much easier than you...

In the previous article, we introduced Virtuemart Order Upload plugin. Today, we will share with you how to install this plugin. Virtuemart Order Upload plugin allows customers to upload templates, images, etc. before adding to the cart. Customers will be able to upload one or more files from the product page, and the store administrator will find these uploads directly on the Ancillary order details page. A few more reasons to convince you to use the...

Virtuemart Order Upload plugin allows customers to easily upload files during checkout. With this plugin, your customers request a customized product by attaching PDF files, documents, images, graphics files, etc. to the order. You can decide whether to accept the attachment and start contacting your customers through the order. The Virtuemart Order Upload plugin is a great option to increase customer satisfaction. In this article, CMSmart will give you an overview of Virtuemart Order...

A lot of customers have to plan shopping in advance - they may need some regular products (e.g. consumer goods or food) for special occasions, to make sure they will have all they need. Now imagine how boring customers will become when they have to find all the items they regularly buy. Not all customers are patient and many of them will order less or abandon the cart entirely. In addition, it is difficult for...

Is your website currently using the default "Add to cart" button? Do you know this is the cause of the discomfort to customers and accidentally prevent potential increase orders. Why? Are you aware that your customers will have to wait a few more seconds to be redirected from the product listing page if they try to click on a product with a wide selection? And they only receive a small notification after adding to the...

If you are focusing on expanding your business globally, are you having problems displaying your local currency prices to customers? Price is one of the most important factors to ensure this change occurs because this is one of the biggest obstacles facing global customers. Customers tend to abandon the cart when the price of the product is displayed in foreign currency. The main reason for this may be because they feel insecure in foreign currencies...

Are you having problems managing orders that don't support creating invoices or creating invoices in bulk? This is probably not only your own problem but it also happens to a lot of other online stores. Do not worry! Advance Virtuemart Invoice will help you resolve this concern. This plugin is the perfect tool to customize your invoice without any technical knowledge. Just drag and drop fields & insert any variables to create exactly the documents...

If you're selling products of different colors and designs but don't know how to display them effectively on the VirtueMart Store. This makes your site boring, customers can not see the final version of the product they want to buy. Therefore, the percentage of customers leaving your store is very high. By recognizing the importance of introducing products, our development team has released Virtuemart Color Swatch Extension. It allows you to upload images as well...


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