CMSmart Ecommerce Community is a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that connects businesses Of all sizes and types, fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and promotes innovation and best practices in the Ecommerce industry.

1. Setup Multi-Language To setup multi-languages, you can go to Admin -> Stores -> All Stores -> Create Store View Example with French: Name: French Code: fr Status: Enable Notes: Remembering Save Config after each change. And Flush cache after each configuration. 2. Setup Currency To setup currency, you can go to Store -> Configuration -> General -> Currency. Set Allowed Currencies are the currency you want on your store. Go to Store -> Currency Rates, press Import. Wait for the system to import currency exchange rate. If currency rate can’t auto create, you can input...

This functioned theme is added some valuable extensions of Netbase market, ensuring your store gives your customer the best services. They are named: Ajax cartPlease read in “Userguide_ Mag2_ Ajax Cart” Ajax searchPlease read in “Userguide_ Mag2_ Ajax Search” BlogPlease read in “Userguide_ Mag2_ Blog” Mega MenuPlease read in “Userguide_ Mag2_MegaMenu” Navigation FilterPlease read in “Userguide_ Mag2_ Layered Navigation” One Step CheckoutPlease read in “Userguide_ Mag2_ One Step Checkout” Online DesignPlease read in “Userguide_Mag2_Online Design” Order UploadPlease read in “Userguide_ Mag2_ OrderUpload” Price...

created by Charles

From Admin panel, go to Catalog → Product. Edit product you want set is new product. In the basic settings panel, Click Advanced Pricing link Advanced Pricing panel: Enter the number of the Special Price. Assign the active time including Special Price From Date and Special Price To Date. You can type manually or click on Calendar icon to choose the relevant date. Click Done button to close panel. Click Save button to save product.  

created by Charles

In backend, go to STORES → [Attributes] Product . Click Add New Attribute button. Complete the Basic Properties The Basic Properties is required for a product attribute. Insert the Default Label to describe the attribute. In the Catalog Input Type for Store Owner  choose Yes/No of the input from a list. Choose Yes for the Value Required to ask customers to select the options before purchasing.      Complete the Advanced Properties (Optional) Insert the Attribute Code that is less than 30 characters and excluded spaces. The Scope includes Store View, Website, and Global.You...

created by Charles

From Admin panel, go to Catalog → Product. Edit product you want set is new product. On product edit page. Find field Set Product as New From. Choose date for this field. Product as New from this date. On next field To. You can set day to product end new. Click Save button to save config.

From Admin panel, go to Catalog → Product -> Catalog → Product → [Edit Product] Featured Product: Select On/Off feature to define the product for feature product block. Has Upload File: Select on / off to determine whether to use the upload feature. Color: Select color want to display for product. Size: Select size want to display for product. Notes: After saving data on admin panel, you run 2 comands: php bin/magento indexer:reindex php bin/magento cache:flush

created by Charles

4.1. Config header In Config Header tabs, you can customize config Element Header. Setting Class List: Enter class-name want to config. Custom Font Family: Select font for Element Header. Custom Font Size: Select font size for Element Header. Custom Line Height: Select line height for Element Header. Theme select to save data: Select any theme you want to save data configuration. Current theme data: select any theme you want to load data on form. Note: You can config many skill on the same time,...

created by Charles

To configuration theme, you work follow the steps: Login to admin panel Move to Netbase menu -> Click on Design config 3.1. Typography In Typography tabs, you can configuration font, font size and font color for each Setting Font Family Design: Select Font family for content tags (p, li, a,..) Notes: If you select Custom font, you can select font family for Font Family P, Font Family Li, Font Family A. Text Color Design: Select Color using for text on UI  Notes: If...

created by Charles

2.1. Typography In Typography tabs, you can customize config font for site. Setting      Configuration Font Font Family base: Selects the default font for text, apply to tags. Font Size base: Enter the Basic font size for content. Scale Font: Enter the scale ratio for element. Line Height Scale Base: Enter the scale line height for element. BaseLine: Defines the size – the horizontal lines for the text and aligns the elements.      Configuration Font for Heading Font Family Heading base: Selects...

created by Charles

To configuration theme, you work follow the steps: Login to admin panel Move to Netbase menu -> Click on Setting panel 1.1. Header The Header is divided into 3 parts: The Top Header, The Middle Header and The Bottom Header. Notes: To setting header type, you have to read 3 parts of header carefully: Elements of header. Elements of header Select Header type There are 10 the type of header to customize setting. Elements of the Top Header Show Top Header: allow showing the...


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