CMSmart Ecommerce Community is a dynamic and supportive ecosystem that connects businesses Of all sizes and types, fosters collaboration and knowledge-sharing, and promotes innovation and best practices in the Ecommerce industry.

If with the traditional business model, we almost use cash for each order payment, in the digital era, one new concept has appeared that is "Checkout process". This is an important process when consumers buy any products from a website. Why? Although Checkout is almost the final step of the whole process of purchasing, it can be considered as the factor that decides the amount of cart abandonment rate. A standard checkout process must...

In short, website design personalization is an extension of personalized marketing including marketing strategies and recommendations for each user. Generally, personalization experience is carried out by combining data collection and analysis, automation, and even algorithms. The final purpose is to make customers feel like this website is designed just for them. It might be an effective leverage tool for conversion rate but also might be a major undertaking to design and implement. In this...

If you visit the crafting groups on social networks like Facebook, Pinterest or on forums, you will find a fact that craft has not been just an individual hobby of somebody, a lot of people want to turn the cool part about arts and craft ( what we call handmade products) into profitable businesses. To earn money from your passion, bring your creative products to more and more people in the world and sell...

Be an e-commerce website, receiving the trust of customers is one of the most important factors in business. To have the belief from customers, you need to show truth through your address, product. Among the most important is information of product through name, characteristic, features, images, price… besides static information, the shop owner can display more thing for their customers through videos, it will bring fresh for all items in web shop. To make this...

If you are WordPress users, even WordPress addict, I bet that you will know or heard about WordPress security plugin WordFence at least one time.  In August 2017, a company behind WordFence published an interesting blog post named "404 to 301 Plugin Considered Harmful". It revealed a fact that 404 to 301 plugin injected advertising into pages on WordPress site where it is installed. Unfortunately, those advertisings are all for low-grade and potentially scammy...

Have you ever been shopping online? If the answer is yes, I believe that you might hear at least one time about the term One Step Checkout. It can be considered as the savior for shopping experience of each eCommerce website. Why? It is headed for fast and convenience. I have ever talked about the benefits of Magento one step checkout extension by Netbase team, but we are in the era of Magento 2,...

The decision of migrating to a new eCommerce platform for a site cannot be made just within one or two days, it is not slam-dunk decision even when you know that the new e-commerce platform will work faster and more efficient. This parsimony is also normal because each decision they make will always contain the risks and those potential pitfalls can be avoided if you can identify them. In this article, I will highlight...

T-shirt might be the most popular costume in the world. You can see people wear it everywhere regardless of culture and region. From the fashionista to normal people, from the elder to the young, they all have some T-shirts in their clothes collection. Because they prefer the convenience and comfort of T-shirt, the demand for T-shirt printing has increased day by day. In this article I will list out 5 mistakes of T-shirt solution...

One step checkout is designed with the aim of helping customers finish checkout process completely without loading additional pages. Web developers believe that One step checkout will make customers closer to completing their order so the conversion rate will be improved. Moreover, this kind of checkout process will occupy less real estate, it means that less information has to be filled out. All non-essential form fields will be cut down to make checkout process...

created by Maris

There are large numbers of products on any woocommerce website and are sold in many systems.  Suppliers always try to keep the best trending product. But the taste and choice of all customers are not same. Sometimes they are seeking something different. For example, clients want to own a t-shirt with their own choice of photo, clipart or text. But it’s not possible to produce this kind of product. Understanding and catching up with the...


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